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"I can't believe it!"
"You have to! And guess what he did next? He said, 'sorry, it's not like I like you or anything, but can you please make me more of those pancakes?'

Sunoo giggled like a child. They were in the car, with Seungmin's parents Mr. & Mrs. Kim in the front seat and Sunoo in the back seat between Seungmin and Hyuna-noona. They were taking him home, and Seungmin's parents were already fond of him. Hyuna also gushed over his cuteness and politeness and with passing time, Seungmin kept thinking that the bully Sunoo must really have been a figment of his imagination.

Seungmin stared out the window, smiling at the sight of Sunoo getting comfortable. Who knows what the boy must have been through. Maybe the times he was a bully he was forced to do that. Or maybe he was brainwashed. Still, what made him realize suddenly that he was being evil?

Everyone trusted Sunoo easily. He was persuasive and pretty. But Seungmin has to keep his guard up, he told himself so, he should be the last person to trust Sunoo. He has to find out about his motives. Seungmin frowned slightly at a fountain far away. He had to.

When his mother was done telling Sunoo Seungmin's parents' love story, they pulled up in the garage. Hyuna opened the door and Sunoo stepped out with Seungmin following behind. When they entered the house, Seungmin noticed that Sunoo looked... apprehensive? Scared? What was the expression?

He waited until his sister went inside and they were out of earshot, then asked Sunoo, "Is something wrong?"
Sunoo looked at him, deep in thought. "Nothing.."
"You can tell me anything you like. I'm only asking because you look uncomfortable and I don't want you to be so."

Sunoo let out a sigh and smiled.
"Seungmin hyung, I feel uncomfortable in big houses because my controller has one. I feel very uncomfortable. But this place.. it isn't uncomfortable to be around here. It feels rather cozy, and... I don't know how to describe it, I've never felt this before, but I think it is rather home-like. If that makes sense."

Seungmin almost dropped the suitcase Sunoo had brought. (And thinking about it, where did he get the suitcase? Seungmin made a mental note to ask him that too.) Luckily Sunoo had stepped inside so he didn't see Seungmin show split-second reactions.

"I don't know how to describe it, I've never felt this before.. home-like... Never felt this before... My controller has one... Never felt this... Controller.."

He had to tell the others.
Jisung stepped in the cafe, inhaling the familiar lavender scent again. It was the cafe's trademark, and Jisung didn't know whether he loved the cafe for its scent or the scent for its cafe.

However, when a familiar face smiled up at him, he knew neither were the cause of the love.

It was Minho.

Because of him, he loved the cafe and the lavender scent. Because of him, he loved everything about the cafe, the cats, and (to Seungmin's disgust), the menu. Because all of it has some of Minho's effort in it, his hard work and he loved it.

"Good evening, Mr. Han. Same old?" Minho smiled down at him. He wasn't a waiter, but he pretended to take his order. There was a definite playful twinkle in his eyes.

"Good evening to you too, Mr. Lee. And if you please, can we drop the formality?" Jisung smiled back at him. Minho chuckled. "Sure, if you say so."

"Is your shift over?"
"Yes. One last order. Yours. Want me to bring your cheesecake? I baked it for you."
Jisung laughed, blushing furiously inside. "You didn't!"

"Oh yes I did! Wait a second."
With that, Minho sprinted away and Jisung cupped his cold hands on cheeks to remove the pink taint on them. (Right now I'm like this, writing the fic).

"Ta-da!" Minho brought two pieces. "Sorry there are only two of them. The owner visited today and he ate most of it. I couldn't risk my job so I gave it to him."
Jisung only blushed more. "Who told you I'd be visiting today?"

Minho wiggled his eyebrows. "Felix told Hyunjin and Hyunjin told me."
"Ugh!" Jisung groaned and Minho roared in laughter. "I hate the two of them! Who do they think they are? They wouldn't even be together if it weren't for us!"

Minho kept laughing so Jisung attacked him next.
"And why would you bake a whole cheesecake for me?"
Minho emerged, coughing slightly. "Can't I bake something for a friend?"

Jisung's heart hurt. Of course, he was just a friend for Minho. He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. He silently picked up the spoon and took a bite. He almost jumped because of the taste dancing on his tongue. This is amazing!

"No way! This is so good! I love it!" Jisung half-shouted. Then he digged in, filling his cheeks. Minho couldn't stop laughing. He was grateful that the cafe was empty. He whipped out his phone and snapped a picture.

"No, if you tasted it, you'd say the same! You're an amazing cook! Here take a bite!" Jisung put a bit of cake on his spoon and brought it closer to his mouth. Minho's heart did things and for a moment he couldn't think straight.

"Don't be shy! Eat!" Jisung urged him. Minho took a bite. Sure, the cheesecake tasted good, but over the butterflies in his stomach Minho couldn't feel anything.

"See? It's so good it shut you up!" Jisung laughed obliviously.
"Yeah.. I'll go and wrap up everything... To close the shop, yeah?" Minho stood up and left abruptly. Jisung looked behind him confused. Did he say something bad?

Once he leaned on the walls in the changing room, Minho sighed. He couldn't believe what Jisung was doing to him. He made his heart flutter so much. Not to mention how beautiful he was. His doe eyes, squishy cheeks, delicate build... He was the ideal type for Minho. But he mustn't feel this way. His parents would surely kill him.

His heart was getting heavy, tears welled up in his eyes. He had to get away fast from Jisung, before he fell into him completely. Yet, whenever he saw him, he felt so overwhelmingly the need to hold him, touch him, engulf him whole, to melt into him. Nobody had ever felt like this before. Nobody.

"Hyung? Where are you? It's getting late," he heard Jisung call out. Relax, Minho. He can't see you like this.
Minho quickly wiped the tears that had escaped and called out in reply, hoping that his voice wouldn't give him away.
"Coming, Jisung, just wait a minute."
"Come on, Felix, pick up." Seungmin groaned. He had tried to call Jisung for a lot of time. After 10 missed calls, Seungmin made a mental note to murder the boy the next time he saw him.

Jisung was the person he had to contact, so he could tell Seungmin whether his suspicions were true. But he was too busy. So he tried to call Felix, partially because he wanted to hear his take on the matter and partially because Jisung would definitely pick Felix's call.

He sighed. He'd just have to call Jeongin.
"Seungmin, hurry up, dinner is ready!" Wonpil opened the door. Seungmin rolled his eyes.
"Hyung, you know, knocking is for a reason."
"Come down quickly." Wonpil smiled mischievously.

"Okay, you go, I'm coming," Seungmin waved him off.
"Tch, Min, what will Sunoo think?"
"Sunoo will not think anything. Now go away."

"Okay, I'm going. Not without you, though." And he took Seungmin's hand and dragged him downstairs.
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