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The rain hit heavily against his bedroom window. It was almost impossible to see in the rain outside. October was arriving; it was going to be his favourite season again. Autumn, with its fallen leaves adorning the ground.

But this time he didn't care.

He stared up at the ceiling, at the single star that he decorated in the memory of his late pet dog. Another tear fell through his temple into his pillow. But these tears didn't have a name. They all fell as if they were insignificant; nothing more than saline containing his insubstantial emptiness.

They say crying makes everything better. They say tears contain the sadness hormone which is removed from the body. But crying didn't make him feel better. It only made him feel empty and fragile.

A knock sounds at the door again. For the hundredth time. And every time, he pushed it away. This knock was slightly different though. There was a note of urgency.

"Jinnie, sweetheart." His mom's voice echoed in his ears. He didn't reply.

"Hyunjin, it's Changbin and Minho here." She said, her voice trembling slightly. "Please let them come in."

Hyunjin tried to muster up his strength to unlock the door. He had gotten way weaker, eating less and there were eyebags under his eyes. When he tried to get up, his head spinned and he stumbled. But he managed to get to the door and open it.

"Oh my God, Hyunjin," Minho commented on his state as Changbin rushed to hug Hyunjin. Minho also settled next to them on the bed.

"Jin, you..." Changbin began. "I know," Hyunjin spoke in a broken voice.
"Chan told us what happened. Hyunjin, you can't do this. Don't give up. Sometimes the destination is just a step apart from where you have given up."

Minho sighed. "This is all so..."
"Messed up. I wish I could blame anyone, but I can't because it's my fault. If only I had gotten hold of myself and thought about it before replying, I wouldn't be in this state today." This was the most Hyunjin talked in weeks. Minho and Changbin didn't know what to say, so they both just sat there in awkward silence.

"I'm wrong," continued Hyunjin, keeping his gaze firmly on the rain falling outside. "I did it all wrong."
"Then make it right." Minho stood up. The other two looked at him.

"Go and apologize again. Try something. Anything is better than lying here continuously feeling like shit, crying your youth away."

"But he already tried that, Minho," Changbin said.
"Try again. I'm sure his heart will melt at some point. You said he still has feelings for Hyunjin, Changbin? Go for that." Minho wasn't the type to show affection openly or even speak on sentimental matters at all (he said it was cheesy) but even he couldn't see his best friend like this.

Hyunjin tore his gaze away from the window one more time. The rain was starting to calm down, though a distant thunder could still be heard.
"But what if things go wrong again?"
Jisung placed his hand on the table in exasperation. "Why do you keep worrying about things going wrong. Have you even tried yet? Hyunjin is not a bad person, he just made a mistake. It's really not the end of the world, and I know that he's sincere this time, I can see it. Changbin told me about it. At least give the poor boy a chance? You're making him suffer just because he got confused about his feelings. If he wants to make up for it, to prove himself, then let him."

Felix sat up, deep in thought.
"I hope you're considering Jisung's mini speech. I feel like I'm on his side, and I hope you don't make a stupid decision," Seungmin said.

"The rain stopped let's go outside, somewhere nice," Jisung peeked through the window. Seungmin looked confused, "Literally now?"

"Yes, now. Felix needs happiness. We all do."

"But you seem a little bit too eager," Seungmin eyed him suspiciously.
"Oh, it's nothing, can't I be eager to go outside? I mean, look at the weather!" Minho said, pulling his sleeves over his hands. He suddenly became very interested in the scenery outside the car.

Changbin eyed him, still suspicious and turned the keys as Hyunjin tied his seat belt at the back seat. He sobbed again, so Minho sighed.

"Stop crying, Hyun, or there won't be any tissues left for your dinner. How will you sleep hungry!"
Hyunjin laughed a little and Changbin looked at Minho in disbelief. "Don't say harsh stuff!" And then he laughed too.

"At least Hyunjin stopped. Wise decision, Hyun," Minho smiled and Changbin shook his head. Minho really did not like sentimental or philosophical talk that much. Changbin looked him again. He looked very excited. A little too much. He looked back after a while and when he made sure that Hyunjin had fallen asleep, he leaned over to Minho at a red light.

"Does this excitement somehow link to a specific person whose name probably, uh, starts with Han and ends with Jisung?" He smirked shrewdly.

Minho felt caught like a deer in headlights. His cheeks started heating up. Why did he have to be attacked like this!

"What nonsense!" Minho tried his best to put his scary side on.
"Don't pretend," Changbin had caught everything in Minho's split-second expressions. When Minho didn't reply, Changbin laughed. "I ship it!"

"Oh, no you don't!" Minho went for Changbin but the car swerved and he was knocked to the window. He groaned. There was a silence. And then...

"I can't." Minho whispered. It was a sad whisper, and Changbin felt his heart hurt. He knew what Minho was saying, he had known him for long enough.

"You can, Minho. It's okay," Changbin said softly. He wished he could comfort his best friend.

"No.. you don't know.. you don't understand.." He gulped. "I really don't know what to feel. I'm not myself when around him. I feel my heart warm up, like never before. The butterflies I get feel comfortable. I don't know."

"It's okay, Minho, there are things you can't fight against. Sometimes the only solution is to take the plunge. Prolonging it won't make the water hot." Changbin tried his best to soothe him.

Minho looked at his reflection on the side mirror. There was a rare fear in his eyes. Changbin tried to comfort him further.

"No one has ever melted your walls other than Jisung. I know, I have been seeing you for days weeks now. He bothered to reach out to you like no one else did. I see your eyes light up at the mention of him every time."
Jisung looked at his feet. "I know, but I still don't know what to do."
Seungmin sighed exasperatedly. He couldn't believe his lectures were flying over Jisung's head. They had to whisper in case Felix overheard them. The restaurant atmosphere was warm. Felix mustn't know anything until Hyunjin arrived with Minho.

Felix returned to the parlour and took a seat, looking thoroughly depressed. Jisung gave a worried look to Seungmin, who gave a reassuring nod in reply. A moment later, the bell rang, indicating someone had entered he restaurant. Shortly after, someone flew open their curtains.

It was Minho Hyunjin and Changbin. Seungmin slapped his hand on his forehead, while Hyunjin's jaw dropped. Felix looked up in surprise.

Minho slid opposite to Jisung and smiled. "Thanks for coming early, I thought you wouldn't get my message," Jisung said in a whisper that unfortunately carried. Seungmin sighed. Changbin took a seat too and Hyunjin was still in shock.

"Well, I just remembered, I gotta go," Changbin stood up abruptly, forced Hyunjin to sit, grabbed Seungmin's arm and ran.

Once Jisung and Minho realized that the other two were gone, they quietly stood up, soaking the embarrassment and left Hyunjin and Felix staring up at them in shock.
1333 words! I gotta divide the chapter hold up;
Still, chapters are gonna be even longer than this! I have to fit everything so it's either long list of chapters or long chapters themselves
Anyway Changbin best boi

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now