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(anonymous pov)

The voices grew louder and louder, until I couldn't hear anything else. Everyone was laughing. Everything was laughing.
At me.
Me who acted pathetic.
Me who left the poor kid and rescued his family.
Me who almost got arrested.

Everyone grew quiet as my father arrived. I looked up. He was terrifying. The look in his eyes was terrifying. He was deadly calm, like the sea before a tsunami. I knew what was coming next. I tried to tell myself that it was only a matter of few minutes. But I still couldn't control the frantic beating of my heart.
My breath quickened as he looked down. I felt like I was going to faint from fear.

He said, "Do you know what this means?"
I tried to speak. But I couldn't. There was no air in the room. Everyone looked terrified as if they're the ones getting a beating.
He took out the belt from his pocket.
"Speak, boy, do you have a voice?"

I remained dead silent. No, I don't have a voice, I thought as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I don't have a voice.
If I did, I wouldn't be here today.
I would be rewarded for saving a kid's life and his family. Not getting punished for it.
Fathers were supposed to tell you right from wrong, were they not?
Weren't they the ones that told you to follow the right path?

My thoughts went out of my control. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't think of him as my idol to worship. I couldn't think of him as my role model. At this moment I loathed him and loathed myself.
Pity upon me, who was born to this father.
He was going to do it in front of everyone. My whole gang. Leader-nim. And it would be proven, how pathetic I am.

Pain scorched my skin over and over. But I remained silent. Tears spilled from my eyes. I could vaguely hear a voice scream harshly, "You don't know anything about how things work. Do you know how your one mistake was going to ruin all my plans forever? All of my hard work of years and years, destroyed by a rat like you? If you weren't useful, you'd already be dead!"

"Speak, you piece of shit, do you not have a voice? You were speaking well with the kid, why so quiet now? Switched sides, have you? Figured how good being noble was, to get all your praises? Haven't we fed or watered you enough? Speak, do you not have a voice?"

No. I don't have a voice. I will never have a voice. I will always be overlooked. My mistakes and my crimes are too big to be forgiven for my good deeds. My fate is cursed, and no one would ever want my soul. My destiny was evil, either that or punishment. My destiny was either crimes or jail. Being a good person was never an option in the first place.

I screamed and screamed in silent agony, my pain beyond my voice. But there was no pity. I felt no different than the victims we kidnap, no I felt worse actually.
Because our victims have people on their side.
I had no one to pity me or my soul.
At the end, I'll always be like this.

The boy I helped was just a kid.

But aren't I just a kid too?
I feel apologetic for updating short chapters even though I'm updating them all at once! Don't worry because of the short chapters, I do have a lot planned out!

Also, I wanted to say one thing. I'm not endorsing abuse or crime or anything bad. I've even reduced Jisung's scenes with his father. But this one was important for the plot, because how else is this guy gonna hate his dad? Once again I apologize for adding violence, abuse and other nasty stuff in this fanfic. I really didn't mean to trigger anyone. I love you guys. It's just this is my first fic, so I'm still figuring out how things work. And I know a lot of things in this fic are a bit cringey, cheesy or cliché, but please don't judge me too hard! I work better on positive feedback hehe

Okay then
Until next time, much love from Blue.

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now