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"I changed my mind."
"Does it work now?"
"Okay, sorry."

The two of them were sprawled out on the couch, with Felix having dragged Seungmin for online shopping. Seungmin had no desire to be here, yet he didn't have anything better to do.

"You literally can't decide anything cool even if your life depended on it," Felix sighed. "I'm going to see Hyunjin, at least he has a good taste." He went upstairs. Seungmin yawned and stretched as a cold Jisung walked into the living room.

"Heya, how'd it go?" Seungmin asked, referring to his date.
"We managed to have a great time despite the weather. It's raining heavily so we decided to wait at your place." Minho said, also walking into the room.

"Come here, warm yourselves up." Seungmin said.
"Thanks. Where's Jeongin?" Jisung asked.
"He left a few hours ago." Seungmin's parents and siblings were gone to their relatives, and Seungmin was the only one home for the weekend. So they all decided to hang out at his. Only Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin and Felix were left now, though.

"Dang it, it's cold." Minho shivered.
Hyunjin stretched and stepped into the living room, with Felix behind him. They also sat on the couch with the other three.
"So what's the plan for dinner? We can't order something in this rain. Let's just cook something ourselves." Hyunjin said.

"No need. There's a lot of leftover pasta, that should be enough for us five-" Seungmin was cut off by Hyunjin's phone ringing.

"Who is it?" Felix asked.
"Heeseung." Hyunjin looked just as confused as everyone else.
"Why is he calling? Is everything okay?" Jisung asked. Hyunjin picked up the phone.

Hyunjin's expressions changed drastically to shock and extreme worry. "He WHAT?"

There was a dead silence in the room.
"How do you know?! Oh My God, we need to- did you report? You can't do that? Okay. Okay we're coming."

"What happened, Hyunjin?" Felix looked worried sick.
"Guys... Sunoo was sold by his father to a brothel!"
"He was WHAT?" Seungmin shouted. He knew, he always suspected that his uncle was the problem. He should have never let Sunoo leave.

"Keeho sneaked them the information. He also gave the club address.. We need to rescue him!"

" It's not raining anymore. Let's grab an emergency umbrella and go! We have no time to waste." Minho shouted, opening a door to reveal very heavy downpour.
"Hyung! Go!"
"I'm not leaving you behind!"
"Don't worry about me, just go! Run before they get you. Get others to a safe location."

"Do you hear me? Leave!" Sunoo shouted himself hoarse. Sunghoon had no choice. Haejung lunged at him but he was already away.

"GET THEM, DON'T LET THEM RUN AWAY!" He shouted at the people below, before shutting the window. He turned menacingly to a shivering Sunoo.

"I had wondered, you know. How you deliberately picked up the spike on the way. I knew you were alright. I just knew. Now you have no excuse to give to me. I have no pretensions or excuses from you. You really are of no use to my gang, and that doesn't mean I'll let you hang around and reveal our secrets to strangers. It's better to get rid of you. I would have killed you, you know. But after seeing what you have been doing to me tonight, I won't let you have the luxury of painless death.

I'll torture you over and over until you forget how to speak. You'll get so overwhelmed you won't think straight. And none of those little friends of yours will be able to save you. Come with me."

And no matter how many times Sunoo fought against him, Haejung was too powerful. He dragged him, tied him to ropes and gagged him with a cloth. Sunoo could barely do anything but cry. He felt his body being forcibly pushed into a car, with Haejung in the passenger seat and Doyoung driving.

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now