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It had been 2 hours and Minho had long lost track of what Jisung was talking about escape velocity. He couldn't stop staring at the younger. Even when he tried not to, he was already waist-length deep in love with Han Jisung.

But the thing was that he couldn't hate the feeling.

Once his parents got wind of this, they'd surely disown him. He didn't care about being disowned, though, but the thing was that they'd surely hurt Jisung. He couldn't bear that. He'd rather get stabbed than let anything happen to Jisung. Though it had been only months since he met him, there was a strong desire to protect him. To love him, cherish him, hold his hand proudly and show him off to the world.

But he couldn't. And that made his heart ache.

Though being with Jisung made him feel at ease. As if everything's gonna be fine in the end. And that should be enough.

But he still longed for him. Spacing out during work or school, staring at him. Watching the stars, admiring from afar.

"Minho? Minho?? Hyung?" Jisung's voice shook him out of his thoughts. "You've been spacing out a lot. Is there something bothering you, hyung?"

"No, nothing at all." Minho shook his head and continued to smile at him. That kind of smile that made him weak in the knees. Had he been standing, he surely would've stumbled. Jisung looked away in a shy manner and asked quietly, "Hyung, are you even concentrating?"

"Wae, you think I'm not concentrating? I'm concentrating really hard." Minho continued to smile. "Concentrating on you."

Jisung finally lost it. He blushed so hard that he couldn't resist picking up the book and smacking Minho's arms with it. "Why are you so fruity? Aren't you straight?"

"What? Don't I look gay enough to you?" Minho looked positively offended.
"Don't look at me like that, you were popular among girls so I thought-" Jisung began.

"No, I mean, don't I behave gay enough to you? I mean, do I really have to flirt with guys to prove I'm gay?"

"Isn't that what you're doing right now?"

"What, you think I'm flirting with you to prove I'm gay? Pfft. Wake up, Jisung."

There was a silence. And then-

"What do you want to say?" Jisung asked.

"If you don't know.. then I'm not gonna tell you."

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Very helpful, hyung. Very funny. Sarcastic."

"I seem to be inspiring you well," Minho smirked.
"Ew, you're too overconfident in your delusions," Jisung shot.

"Says the one who believed I was straight just because I was popular among the girls." Minho retorted. Jisung couldn't find a reply to that one.

"Jisung, you're so adorably stupid," Minho laughed a little. Jisung frowned. "Why do you say that?"

"Just because." Minho smiled.

Jisung couldn't believe he was here, flirting with his crush. He hoped against hope that Minho wouldn't see the red tint on his face. But too bad, Minho asked, "Hey, you're blushing now!"

He came dangerously closer to Jisung.

"Do I make you anxious, my darling?"

Jisung fell from his chair. He uttered a low scream, that echoed around the empty café (it had become their date place, cuz my besties r still kinda broke).
"Lee Minho, what the fuck?"

Minho was busy laughing at him. When he was done he offered Jisung his hand like the gentleman he was.
Jisung sulked. "You and your best friend behaviour."

"I'm sorry, what?" Minho tried to put on a cold expression. It worked.

"Why, aren't you my best friend by now?" Jisung looked confused.

Minho wanted to hit himself. Why was Jisung so dumb? Why didn't he know that Minho wasn't good with words? Then he wanted to laugh on himself. He was flirting with the very guy that makes him flustered.

"No." He drawled. Jisung looked sad and pouty.
"But why, hyung? Why aren't I your best friend?"

Minho wanted to laugh at the both of their stupidity. "Dumbass."
"Why?" Jisung asked. He looked hella confused. Minho figured he couldn't take it anymore. That pout. Those pouty lips. Fuck it, they were opposite to Minho's, by that I mean that his lower lip was bigger than his upper lip, while Minho's was vice versa, and Minho was too close to losing his mind.

Our kiss would be so perfect.

Minho shook his head, why am I thinking like this? Control, Minho, control! But he just couldn't control. Jisung looked horrified and said, "Hyung, how can you say stuff like this?"

"With my mouth, of course. And did I just say that aloud? Ah shit. Well, I hope you don't mind if I kiss you. It's okay if you don't feel the same. I know you probably like me and I like you too, well maybe if I'm wrong then forgive me please, but yeah." Minho had no idea what was getting out of his mouth. "Sorry if I don't make sense."

Jisung stared. For a long while, they didn't move.

"By the way, Jisung, you're dumb." Minho giggled. "Can I kiss you now? Can I? Hello? Han Jisung?"

"Um, can I faint?" Jisung said in a small voice.
"Not before I kiss you."

"Well, then," Jisung said and pulled Minho close to him. Their lips collided and it was better than Minho's wildest dreams. Jisung's lips fit his own like jigsaw pieces; the older felt himself melting deeply in the younger's embrace.

"What. The. Fuck." Jisung said once they broke apart. They were so shocked, they just stared at each other.

"Well, hyung, I like you too. Since months, you know, ever since I saw you, I was always intrigued. But I didn't realize that it was a crush until my friends made me notice." Jisung shyly said.

"You're so cute." Minho giggled. "Well, I don't think I'm interested in the work-energy equation anymore."

"You weren't even interested in the first place!" Jisung laughed.
"Alright, let's go home, baby," Minho wrapped his arm around Jisung. He already felt so possessive and loving. He loved Jisung with all his heart and was glad that he could tell him that.

Though when they walked out of the cafe, Minho couldn't help but worry about his parents.
I'm 19 now, I can break free. They can't control me now. I'm gonna be okay. Me and Jisung are gonna be happy and we're gonna be okay.

"We don't need to go on dates to be boyfriends already, right? I hope we're not rushing things," Jisung asked.
"If we're both okay with it, then I don't really think there's a problem. I mean, we've been to dates already without realising it, and we're comfortable together. No, it wouldn't be wrong. Though I must propose officially, you know," Minho cleared his throat.

"Han Jisung, will you give me the honour of being your lover?" He got on one knee.

And watching Jisung get flustered and giggle shyly, saying yes under the tree shedding leaves, Minho knew, that really,

Everything's gonna be alright.

We're gonna be okay.
Hellaur my babygays <3 I wanted to drop another annoying ass author note
I know you're tired with me talking a lot, I'm one hell of a talkative boring author, right?
I wanted to say, there's no logical explanation of how things work in this fic lmao 😭 as I said I wrote the most of it being sleep deprived asf and even I don't know what's happening
So don't ask me why something happened
And don't blame me for the cringe and cliche moments I worked my ass off over this fic
Anyway bye <3

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