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(anonymous pov)

I ran quickly towards school. I pretended that I hated going to school so that my father forced me to go. He thinks that it'd kill me.
Little did he know.
Anyhow, I ran quickly so I could meet Sunghoon before class. I didn't know why I was doing it. I just wanted to see him again.

I reached before time. So I began searching for him. He didn't mention which grade he was in. So now I had to search by myself. I looked in our senior classes, searching by myself. Starting for the senior most class. I saw Jungkook, the famous guy, with Mingyu and Eunwoo all chilling together. Jisung's friend Chan was also there, talking with them. Hongjoong, his best friend, was talking to his boyfriend Seonghwa. A senior girl, Jihyo was laughing with Dokyeom and Sana was eating chips. No sign of Sunghoon.

So I set off for the junior class. I saw Seungmin, Wooyoung, San, and Jisung himself, but still no sign of Sunghoon. Jisung saw me and nudged Seungmin. Of course he would. But I had no time for Jisung. The class was about to start in one minute. So I ran.

Reaching for the grade above mine, I opened the door. It was my last chance.
Inside was total chaos; the guy who was friends with Jisung, I think his name was Jeongin? He was on the floor, with Kang Taehyun and Choi Beomgyu dragging him across the floor. There was Lee Heeseung, friends with Niki and Jungwon. With him was another guy and then I saw him. Park Sunghoon. Finally.
(A/N: get sunghooned bitches)

Sunghoon didn't notice me at first. He was busy laughing at Jeongin. Then he saw me. I did not smile. I didn't even wave. I just stood there.

It took a while for everyone to notice the elephant in the room. Jeongin was shocked to see me, dangling from the chair. Beomgyu's smile faded. Taehyun was looking serious. Basically everyone was displeased to see me. But I didn't care. I found Sunghoon at last.

"Why are you here?" Some dude that I didn't know, decided to speak up.
"Is there an issue?" I asked.
"This ain't your dad's school, kid," the guy said.
"This ain't your dad's either," I retorted.
"This kid got guts and shit," the guy said to his mates.

"Calm down, Jay," Heeseung told him. Then he asked me, "Why are you here?"
I turned towards Sunghoon. "You didn't mention your grades earlier, so I thought I'd find out. I'll just get going, the bell rang already. Y'all have a good day," I said and left the class. Now I knew Sunghoon's class so I left to enter my own. The class was settling down.

When the bell for recess finally rang, I put my things in my bag. Strange, but I was starting to study. And enjoy it, to some extent. It was the only time when I was forced to think about studies so I didn't have to think about my life. So it had become kind of like, my escapism? I don't really know. I went outside, with the crowd of students, finally feeling like I belonged to them.

Niki pushed past me. He did it on purpose. "Hey, bitch, who do you think you are? You own this place? Hell no, get lost." I said.
"Bitch you get lost. Everyone hates you here and it was better when you didn't show your stupid face."
I rolled my eyes. Now wasn't the time to pick fights. I was too busy for shitty people. I left and searched for Sunghoon again.

I looked into his class, but he was nowhere to be found. I wandered around the black currant tree, hoping that he would magically pop out of nowhere. But then someone scared me and I jumped.
"Hey, Sunghoon!" I exclaimed.
He immediately became stern. "Talk to me in honorifics. Where are your manners?"
I laughed. "Then what should I call you, your majesty?"

"Sunghoon-hyung is fine by me."
"Hell no if you think I'm gonna do that." I stuck out my tongue.
"You misbehaving kid, come here!" He ran after me and I ran. A while later, we both became tired so we sat down at the bench. "So.. what did you do today?" He asked.
"Nothing much.. I was only looking forward to meeting you." I replied, panting.

"So you were thinking bout me?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I slapped his arm.
"You're disgusting."
"But you love me."
"Lord, you're so cheesy," I said.
"I seem to be catching Heeseung hyung's habits," He said.
There wasn't much to be said after that. We just looked at each other for a while. Some time later, he did speak up. We talked about random things. I felt happier when I was with Sunghoon hyung. He did some of my counselling. It was fun. I liked the way he looked at the world.

He told me he liked skating. And that he used to be an ice skater. He also told me that his friends call him a penguin. I told him that mine called me a fox. And so we kept talking. The day was too good to last. I watched in horror as Niki and Jungwon along with Heeseung and Jay were greeting Sunghoon as if he lived with them. Niki and Jungwon stared at me, and I stared back. I had beef with all of these people except Sunghoon. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

But Sunghoon told me the first step to change is to change my mentality and my attitude. So I supposed that I was taking the first step. Nevertheless, I became friends with all of Sunghoon hyung's friends. I still had beef with Niki though.

The day went perfect. For the first time in weeks, I felt the happiest.

So, y'allz!! How did you find this chapter? Do you like where the story is going?
What do you think is gonna happen next? Do tell!
Much love, Blue <3

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