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(A/N: guys! This chapter is just going to be Sunghoon and Sunoo's date. It's a side chapter with a side ship, so you can skip to the end if you like.  Just don't complain later! There are author's notes at the end of this chapter.)

Sunoo tried his best not to run to the door. His heart was beating terribly fast, he couldn't contain his excitement. He saw Wonpil and Hyuna at the door already, talking to Sunghoon.

"I didn't expect you to be this handsome! My cousin scored a fine man. We're his family now, so I hope everything goes well!" Hyuna smiled at Sunghoon, who bowed politely and gave her a gracious smile in return.

"Yeah, and you better not hurt our Sunoo in any way, because we won't hesitate to hide your dead body in our back lawn," Wonpil said jokingly. Seungmin appeared behind Sunoo and rolled his eyes. "I'm hundred percent sure they'd save your life over mine any day," he said and pinched Sunoo's cheek. "And I'd save yours over theirs too, so it's even."

He went ahead and cleared his throat. "Sunoo is waiting behind, so y'all can stop filming this kdrama. And Sunghoon, don't mind them, especially Wonpil hyung, they just love to be dramatic."

Sunghoon laughed and said, "Oh, it's nothing, I'm very happy that Sunoo has a good family now who'd protect him." But it was unheard as Wonpil and Hyuna gasped dramatically, "Seungmin, how could you! We've raised you since you were a child and this is what we get in return?" Wonpil clutched his heart. Seungmin tried maintaining his stern look but couldn't hold in his laughter.

True, Seungmin was way younger than his adult siblings and they had taken care of him at times, but they had also annoyed him to death too. But that's what siblings are for, right?

"Anyway, Sunoo, don't keep your boyfriend waiting," Wonpil wiggled his eyebrows at a blushing Sunoo. He then turned to Sunghoon, "Sorry, man, we had to let you go like this. We'd love to invite you over dinner any time, when mom and dad are home. Have fun, okay?"

Sunghoon nodded, "it's nothing! You all are such nice people, I loved meeting you today. I'd love to drop by!"

Sunoo gathered his courage and walked outside. They waved at the people behind the door, and walked further. The weather was windy with occasional rain droplets. Pretty.

Not pretty enough to calm Sunoo's frantic heart beat. He used to be so easy around Sunghoon, why was he suddenly so nervous? For the life of him he could not look at the boy's face, nor speak to him. Sunghoon found the silence strange.

Fuck, he said my name. And it sounds like the best thing ever right now.
"Sunoo? Are you alright?"
God damn. Sunghoon can you please shut up so I can breathe?!

"Sunoo, I'm getting worried! Why aren't you speaking? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, baby, look at me, please!" Sunghoon stopped dead in his tracks.

"Yeah, here." It was all Sunoo could muster. He looked up at Sunghoon.

Holy cow. He's so glamorous oh my god. Why would he wear a black shirt with black trousers? My heart is already doing cartwheels. He is magnificent oh my god.

"Finally, you looked up! You look so pretty! Oh how I missed your ocean eyes." Sunghoon ruffled Sunoo's hair. He seemed to be restraining himself from hugging Sunoo, who knows if the boy was still hurting?

But Sunoo flung himself on Sunghoon, wrapping his arms around his neck, trying not to burst into tears, trying not to break right then and there. He couldn't. His body began to tremble with the effort of trying not to cry. Sunghoon wrapped his arms around Sunoo's torso, trying not to cry himself. None of them could pretend that everything was okay; not under the rainclouds, not in this moment that seemed so intimate.

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now