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Jake put his pen down, having practiced the question one last time before the test. Jay entered the class, high fived Jeongin and dropped to the seat next to Jake. He suddenly began singing the Adventure Time theme song.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Get over that joke, it's gotten old now."
"Old? Nah, it's still funny." Jay laughed. Jake simply sighed and turned over the page to revise the formulas.

"You must be fully prepared, math boy. Heeseung is gonna ace this test." Jeongin laughed and winked at Heeseung.

"Of course, having a genius boyfriend has it's perks," Heeseung flipped his hair. Jake blushed and hit him with his textbook.
"Stop rizzing him up again, Heeseung," Sunghoon laughed from the back row.

Suddenly Kang Taehyun and Choi Beomgyu entered while holding hands. The entire class looked in surprise. Huening Kai walked in behind them.

"Say hi to the-" Kai began but Beomgyu silenced him. Jeongin looked flabbergasted up at them.

"Why are y'all pretending to be surprised, y'all knew it would happen one day," Taehyun said, dropping to a seat beside Jongho, who happened to be sleeping.

"Jongho literally wake up, we have our maths grand test in some time," Huening Kai said, trying to wake Jongho up.

"I studied too hard now I'm tired, let me sleep," He mumbled. Jay looked behind in surprise.

"Dude, what will the night you spent studying be worth if you don't perform well in this test?"
"Finals," Jongho replied. Kai sighed and continued to try and wake him up.

"No because tell us the whole story," Sunghoon asked, referring to Beomgyu and Taehyun. Taehyun motioned for Beomgyu to begin, but Beomgyu refused so Taehyun continued.

"Well last night when Yeonjun was cleaning up after dinner, Beom asked me to climb up to the rooftop to look at the stars. So I went with him. The view was really nice. The sky was specially clear because it had rained before. We talked for a while and then he became all poetic." He paused.

Heeseung giggled, "What did he say? I'll make sure Hyunjin-hyung knows about this."

"Oh, he was sitting and he went like, 'the moon looks very beautiful, doesn't it?' I looked at him like he was mad and he asked, 'why are you staring at me?' Then I told him that there was no moon." At this, Heeseung and Jeongin burst into laughter as Beomgyu's face flushed pink.

"Bitch I told you not to tell anyone that!" He exclaimed while Heeseung laughed harder.
"Anyway, that's when I knew he was not looking up at all. Then I asked him why he wasn't watching the stars, then he said he'd rather watch me. I think I blushed." And everyone cooed at how cute it was.

Jake was head over heels for this new couple. He leaned behind, listening intently. "What happened next?" He asked, resembling a hyper puppy. Heeseung stroked his hair softly.

(don't touch me I'm soft for Heejake)

"Anyway, he seemed to be too lost in thought. So I asked him what he was thinking about. He said, 'you'." And everyone fanboyed again.

"I think Beomgyu is gonna beat Heeseung at rizz," Sunghoon said. Heeseung replied, "Never!"

"And then he breathed heavily for a while, as if contemplating. And then he said it. I remember how we blushed. I said it too." Taehyun managed to finish, his face as pink as Beomgyu's.

"And that's how they became lovebirds. Yeonjun and Soobin were beyond happy. Soobin hyung says that we're gonna give them both a treat." Huening Kai helped Taehyun.

Ms. Park walked in and announced the start of the test. They all arranged in their seats. No one wanted to study, they were all in a good mood. So all of them copied Jake's test, which he happily let them. Jake was the top student in maths and physics so why not?

After the test, Jeongin turned towards Beomgyu. "You absolute trash, I was supposed to be the first person to know!"

"You are! Nobody knew before you!"
"Soobin, Yeonjun, Kai, everyone!" Jeongin shot at him.
"They literally live with us, what do you expect?"

Their bickering was cut short by Niki and Jungwon entering the class. "Why are they here?" Beomgyu asked.

"Everybody excuse me, my baby is here." Jay said, pushing Jake out of his seat so Jungwon could sit. "What the hell?" Jake complained but Heeseung pulled him to sit on his lap.

"What if Ms. Kang turns out to be a homophobe?" Taehyun asked Heeseung, referring to their Chemistry teacher.

"Sounds like a her problem to me," Heeseung said and continued to cuddle with a very red Jake.

Jay kissed Jungwon's pretty dimple and Niki gagged. Jay raised his eyebrows.

"You all can watch Sunghoon and Sunoo make out but if we do the bare minimum we're annoying," He said. "Speaking of which, why isn't Sunoo with you?"

"He didn't come today." Niki replied. "It was getting really boring without him so we decided to misbehave and then the teacher told us to go out. We see your teacher late, we come in your class to say hello."

"Damn, that must have ruined Jungwon's reputation," Jongho commented. Sunghoon didn't speak on this matter at all. He had seen Jeongin's worried expression which lasted for a split second so no one else saw it.

Did Jeongin know something he didn't? He made a mental note to ask him later.

"Guys, we need to call him or something, is he okay?" Sunghoon stood up. Everyone sighed or rolled their eyes with exasperation.

"Hoon, no offense, but you're overreacting a bit. We know how much you love him, but being absent for a day is normal. He must be tired or something. Don't think too much about it." Heeseung tried to reason with him. But Sunghoon didn't think it was normal at all. There was something darker. And Jeongin somehow knew about it.
I divided chapters again ;-; don't get mad at me
Also, I have one announcement ❗❗
From now on, the chapters are gonna be longer!! Like, very long. Because there is too much plot to fit here and if we continued at this pace we'll probably end up with 70 chapters
So I hope I am able to summarize it all in 60s, or if I'm lucky, 50s
Let me know if you like it!
I'll probably see you after a long time now haha. Next time I'll binge publish my fic again. Byee! And oh yeah I'm really excited for skz, txt, enha, svt, ateez and jjk comeback (they literally had comebacks this year I don't understand them)

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