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Hyunjin gaped at the skyrocketing building in awe. "Damn, I love this school so much. Look at what they've rented for us!"

"They didn't rent it for us, you idiot, they rented it for RM and Jackson." Minho walked past him, unbothered.

"Such a ray of sunshine you are. Sometimes I don't understand how Jisung loves you," Hyunjin replied.

Nevertheless, the sight was breathtaking. The building was adorned with thousands of windows and colourful lights. Minho walked inside, along with 20 others of his friends. The elevator ride to the eighth floor was very cramped and everyone's strong cologne made all of them suffocated and dizzy. Wooyoung, dressed in his best, complained loudly.

Finally, they were able to make it to the party hall without fainting. Mingi almost collapsed, though.

Minho felt even more dizzy when he set foot in the large, never ending hall. The entire school seemed to fit in here, and it was still spacious. This place seemed to be out of this universe. But that wasn't the problem. There were so many people, Minho's social battery was already running out from all the interaction with his 20 friends that he came with.

Scanning for a familiar face desperately, he found Felix and Jeongin chatting. He assumed that Felix would know of Jisung's whereabouts. The very thought gave him butterflies.

"Hey, Felix, Jeongin. You both look good." Minho smiled graciously looking at them. He tried to make them comfortable.

"Hello, Minho! We were waiting for you. We heard you were performing today. We are curious about your song." Jeongin said with a smile. Minho almost laughed right there. Curious, indeed. As if Jisung didn't run and tell all the lyrics to the three of his besties. But he didn't say anything and bowed his gratitude.

"Jisung is fixing his makeup in the bathroom. Seungmin is gone to get us drinks. I'm waiting for Beom— oh wait here he comes," Jeongin bowed to both of his hyungs, "I'll see you around." He set off towards his best friend.

Minho also backed off to hide somewhere and wait for Jisung to appear, so that he could stare him for the rest of the night. Or maybe even talk to him if he got courage.

From a distance he saw some guy, someone maybe from an older grade, make his way to Felix and ask him to dance. He gave him praises, but Felix refused politely and said he was waiting for someone.

The person got consistent and tried to force Felix to come with him and dragged his arm. Before he could do anything else, Hyunjin landed a punch on the man's face. Minho smiled. Hyunjin rarely made him proud, but he did nevertheless.

Nobody noticed what happened, everyone was busy enjoying. When the guy tried to retaliate, Hyunjin gave him another punch. Scared for his life, the guy ran, sporting a bloody nose. Minho was positively grinning. He went back to Hyunjin to say, "You became violent immediately."

Hyunjin looked at him incredulously. "Minho, did you even hear what he said about my Felix? He dehumanized and sexually harassed him." He turned to Felix, "I'm not leaving you alone after this. Stick to my side." Felix nodded frantically.

Minho smiled even more. "I never said I didn't like it. My years of friendship taught you well."
Hyunjin giggled but nodded nevertheless.

From a distance, he saw Jisung approaching. God damn, the boy looked like he came from heaven. Minho needed to keep an eye on him, he could be leered on by other guys.

As soon as Jisung looked at Minho, the both of them froze. It was one breathless moment that stretched to hours and days. Infinite lifetimes all in one minute.

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now