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"But- but why do you have that gun on us-" Mrs. Lee's voice, normally silky and snake-like, was now filled with panic and cowardice. Minho felt sick.

"Don't pretend. We know this was bound to happen. Come to the point." Minho wanted to get this over with quickly.

His father's eyes were full of suppressed anger, the stinging hatred burning onto Minho's skin. He did not put up pretensions. He knew it would be idiotic to do so.

"Lost your ability to speak? Didn't feel like it when you kept shouting at me all those years ago. Anyway, I'm giving you an offer. I have those documents with that information. And I'm going to report to the police with all the evidence and your game's over. Unless...?" Minho spoke every word filled with venom.

"Unless?" His father had lost his patience but couldn't do anything. Minho was the one with the weapon.

"Unless you strike a deal with me. You see," Minho casually leaned against the door, "give me my inheritance. All of it. And get out of my life. You will go back to where you came from, and out of my life forever. You will not contact me, will not plot anything against me and the people in my life. In turn, your secret will die with me."

"Pathetic, simply pathetic. The audacity of you to threaten your parents!" Mr. Lee spat.

"The said parents did much more than threaten me, though. The said parents made me go through every vile thing in the world. The said parents disowned me. So the said parents are not my parents." Minho's eyes darkened. Mrs. Lee uttered a sob.

"Now, sign this and give me my inheritance. You will pack your bags tonight, and tomorrow you're gonna leave back to the country where you came from. Forever." Minho decided. His father opened his mouth to say something but Minho clicked his gun once in threat.

The plan went smoothly. The next day his parents were off. Though, his heart screeched a little when his mother tried to hug him, but his father held her back. The infinite love he once had for the pair of them started to resurface and his heart broke all over again.

Putting his sunglasses on to hide his tears, he asked his driver to drive to the police station.
As much as Minho hated to double cross his parents, he didn't have a choice. The poor people who died, including men, women and children deserved justice. His heart broke for his parents but his heart also ached for the poor victims.

When he shook his hand with the officer who promised to serve them justice and send for the police to go to the country where his parents were, he couldn't help but smile against the pain. Because even when it was painful for him, he knew it was the right thing to do.

He felt worn out and exhausted from the day, both physically and mentally, but he needed to complete his song. Jisung's absence felt like a large wound and emptiness in his chest. He intended to sing the song to him in the final rehearsals. (The school was also giving the students a change to produce, sing, and dance on the party and Jisung took a part in that. So Minho intended to sing it to him in the rehearsals and maybe also sing at the party.)
Jisung paced back and forth in distress. Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin were all there, gaping at Jisung.

"So! Hyunjin, Chan and Changbin already knew?" Jisung sighed and dropped on the couch. "You guys could have said something!"

"Jisung, I've said this ten times already. We knew his parents were horrible mafia people but we didn't know they were murderers. Minho didn't know either, but there was this fact that whoever pissed of his parents suffered greatly and that's why he tried so hard. I was angry at him because I didn't know fully how bad his parents were, but Minho did." Hyunjin looked exasperated.

"He sent them to jail." Changbin blurted out. Everyone went quiet.
"He struck a deal with them and asked for his inheritance, and when he got it he reported to the police. Minho did hurt you, we all agree. But Minho says he's ready to compensate and make up for it for the rest of his life."

"But still!" Jisung sighed again. Nobody knew what to say next.

"Minho deserves a chance, you know, if you ask my honest opinion... I mean, he could never erase the past, but he's ready to let it go... You should give the relationship a chance. We all know how much you long for each other, even if you don't admit." Felix said.

"I agree. Whatever Minho said, he did not say it truthfully. He was only trying to protect you and now that everything's okay, I think you should get together again." Chan agreed.

"I agree with you two." Seungmin said.
"Me too!" -Jeongin
"Me three!" -Hyunjin
"Me forever!" -Changbin

"Ugh. I still have to think about it." Jisung said.

"It's okay, Jisung, please take your time. We all will respect your decision." Chan said and Jisung's heart warmed for his friends.
Jisung had the melody in his mind, the beat on his computer. The only problem was, the lyrics.

His heart didn't seem to be beating for the past few days. And maybe that's why he was at a loss of words and lyrics. He sighed. He'd just go back tomorrow and say he couldn't do it. He had half a mind to delete the melody, but something told him not to so he closed his laptop and went to sleep.
Hellaur 👺 we're slowing leading up to the climax of this story
And I'm sorry if this book is too long, ignore my beginner writer flaws
I tried reading the earlier chapters and lord did I cringe
Especially the first few chapters made me want to bleach my eyes.
If you came this far, i love you.
Also... I've decided. I'm gonna be writing another book... An enhypen one. Gonna start writing from tomorrow. I'm so damn excited for that one!! Will you read it?

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