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The world is spinning.
It couldn't be.
It was wrong. He was wrong.
Everything was wrong.
Felix's mind went blank. Everything was gone.

"Hey.. are you okay..?" Hyunjin looked worried.
It hurt, but Felix had to force a smile. He wanted to cry, but not now. Not here.
So being rejected really was painful, not as he had thought while laughing at all those memes. He had underestimated the feeling. And now that it was crashing down on him, he didn't know what to do. Hell, he didn't even know if he should feel this at all.

"Oh yeah.. it's okay, I respect your decision," Felix smiled, cringing on himself. Everything appeared cringe at the moment. Even the beautiful guy in front of him.
"I'm sorry though.. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that it happened so quickly I didn't know what to do..." Hyunjin tried to say.

"Please don't apologize. I completely understand," Felix smiled against his will. It felt forceful for his cheeks. He was tired of pretending.
He wanted to go home.
It was getting more and more unbearable to pretend.
"Can I excuse myself? Pardon me, but I really don't have anything else to say," He decided to speak up.

That seemed to hurt Hyunjin a bit, but Felix didn't care. The boy that cared the most, didn't care.
He stood up and bowed politely before leaving the private parlour.
He wanted to go home.

Jisung saw Felix and he immediately went to him.
"What happened?" He asked.
Felix didn't answer. But at the sight of Jisung, he couldn't hold back. Tears escaped. Jisung saw them astonishingly, but Felix brushed away Jisung's hands and ran towards the exit. Jisung ran after him. But Felix begged Jisung to not follow him. So Jisung stopped.

Jisung was so shocked and angry, he went back straight into the cafe. Minho was still on his phone. Jisung was angry, on both of them, and he decided to take every bit of it out on them.
"What did your friend do to him?" Jisung demanded of Minho.
"Excuse me?" Minho looked shocked at Jisung's audacity.

"You heard me," Jisung said.
"Who gives you the goddamn position to talk to me like that?"
"Who gave YOU the position to talk to me like that? And to Hyunjin to make Felix cry?" Jisung's voice was getting louder.
"You're really looking for trouble, aren't you?" Minho stood up. "Go back where you came from, you stupid shit. You don't want my fist to meet your big head."

"What's happening?" Hyunjin came out of the parlor.
"This idiot friend of yours is picking fights with me without any reason!" Minho exclaimed.
"Without reason, you say? Hyunjin, answer me! What did you say to Felix?" Jisung turned towards Hyunjin.
Hyunjin took a step back in fear. Everyone's attention was on them now.

"I don't see Felix that way, so I said no. I have the right to, don't I?" Hyunjin said in his defense.
"But why was he crying?" Jisung asked.
"Duh, you idiot, what else does a chick boy do when he's rejected? Obviously gone to cry like the crybaby he is—"

"Don't you dare talk about Felix like that!!" Jisung shouted. "You, with all your attitude thinking that everyone other than the people you like is scum! Should I remind you how you behave?"
"So you must be a crybaby too. What happened, mommy didn't heat up the food?"
"What happened to YOU? I FEEL HORRIBLE FOR YOUR PARENTS!" Jisung absolutely lost control of himself. Minho went too far. He crossed all his limits.

But the way Hyunjin's eyes widened and the way shadows covered Minho's face told him that he crossed his too.
"You fucking piece of—"

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now