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Walking home under the darkening blue sky was pretty. Of course, they didn't go home straight away; they cuddled on a bench, took pictures of sceneries and even had a small meal together. It was all cozy and pretty.

"Alright, then, I'll go home from here," Jisung said. "Thank you so much for everything, you're amazing."
"Hey, don't you dare mention! You're my baby. Okay then, be safe, yeah? Good night." Minho kissed the top of Jisung's head and the latter felt goosebumps on his skin. Apparently, he wasn't used to this feeling.

Suddenly, both their phones rang at the same time. "Huh? What's this? Felix is calling me," Jisung said.
"And Hyunjin is calling me, I think it's urgent. Hopefully everything's okay," Minho said as he picked the phone.

"WHAT?!" Minho half shouted and Jisung dropped his phone. Before it landing on the ground, Minho caught it because of his amazing reflexes.

But both of them had heard something horrible on the other side of the phone.

"What's the address?" Minho spoke quickly as he held Jisung's hand. He could hear Felix's distant voice asking "Jisung? Jisung are you there?"

"Minho, is Jisung okay? Felix said he got quiet, he's worried, could you call him--" Hyunjin said and Minho cut him off, "Jisung is with me, don't worry, we're coming over, tell us the address."

"Okay, we'll be there in a bit." Minho said and he hung up. He quickly hugged Jisung who began to sob, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"Shh, everything's gonna be okay, Jisung, everything's gonna be okay. We don't have time, let's go quickly we need to grab a taxi," Minho said and he quickly ran with Jisung by his side, their hands intertwined.

They managed to stop a taxi and the fare was a lot.
"I don't have that much money, but our friend is in the hospital, he's fighting death, could you please get us there? I'm prepared to give you all my money that I have right now," Minho requested the driver.

"Yahh, who do you think I am? Some old fool? Stop playing around, kid, give me my money or let me go." The driver refused.
"Then maybe could you please wait while I grabbed my saving from the ATM? It's right across the road."

"Be quick, you brat! Kids these days, they think they work like us labourers. You have no idea what labour is, you in your youthful, carefree days." The driver muttered but Minho didn't hang around to listen half of it. He ran like lightning, and soon he disappeared from sight.

Jisung didn't know what was happening. He couldn't hear or speak anything. The cars and traffic lights were closing in on him and his head hurt. He couldn't hear anything and soon he saw stars and couldn't breathe.

From a distance, he heard Minho shout, "Jisung? Jisung, oh my God, baby what happened to you? Get in the car, quickly, then tell me-"

He felt a pair of hands push him in the small old car and close the door. Someone opened the window and very soon, they were speeding along the road.

Air rushed inside the car and Jisung breathed. He knew what was happening. It was a panic attack. He tried to fight it off, and he heard Minho's voice as if it were coming from a long distance. Even though he was right there with him, sitting with him, holding him as if he would break.

Slowly, his vision readjusted and he saw the traffic lights once again.
"Minho... Hyung.." he broke into tears.

Minho hugged him tightly. "Don't worry. Hyung is here. Everything's gonna be okay, Jisung, I promise. He's gonna be okay, he'll make it out."

"He helped me so much when I was having a hard time. He's one of my best friends ever, I don't know how I..." Jisung cried into Minho's heart.

"Shhh. Everything's gonna work out in the end. It's all gonna be okay." Minho felt like breaking into pieces; he had to tell Jisung words that he himself wanted to hear. The words that he couldn't believe, no matter how much he tried to tell himself.

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now