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The door opened in the darkness. Sunoo was facing the ground, Jeongin the wall and Beomgyu was asleep again. Jungwon faced the door with Jisung and was able to see who was coming downstairs.

Two figures, tall, walked down below. All of them quickly pretended to be passed out again.
"Boss is coming down here in a while."
"Can't we get rid of them without Boss? I'm pretty sure he just wants to kill them, and nothing else. Won't it be easier than prolonging it?"

They conversed in low voices.
"What's the haste? Torture them, cut their limbs off, enjoy it, what's the hurry?"
"Someone might be coming to rescue them. We never know."
"Stop being paranoid. You always speak like this, Yuta."

"I'm being serious, Ten! These kids have families! Jisung and Sunoo don't, but the other three actually have people that care for them! Nobody would have batted an eye for those orphaned kids, but the other three that we brought... You can't expect five boys to go missing and nobody to look for them!"

"Even if the entirety of Seoul searches for them they can't find them. We're here in the underground of outskirts of Busan. This location is hidden, used by the secrecy agency!"
"I don't know, Ten, but we shouldn't have brought the other three. I have a bad feeling about this."

"No, Yuta, we'll be done with them by tonight. Then we'll fly back to Seoul tomorrow. No matter who is searching, they'll take days to reach here. We'll be far gone. Let's go upstairs, I think Jaehyun is calling."
"Okay wait, let me check the kids." Yuta went ahead and turned on the light. After making sure that they were asleep, he went upstairs with Ten.

Once the door closed again, Jisung opened his eyes wide.
"They... Want to kill us! Oh my God, I don't want to die!" Jeongin panicked.
"D- don't worry, Jeongin hyung, someone will find us soon."

"But Ten is right. Whoever is finding, they'll take days to search the entirety of Seoul, then think about another city..." Jisung closed his eyes. "Well... It was beautiful, getting to know you guys. I just want to say thank you to all the people who made my life go from hell to a life worth living. Though they aren't here right now, I want to say thank you because I'll never be able to say it to them again."

"Don't, don't say that hyung." Sunoo's voice was breaking. "Don't... I don't even have a lot of memories with Hoonie yet! I miss him so much!" He cried.

"We'll make it out of this." Jungwon's voice was full of hopelessness. "I hope we do..."

Then Beomgyu spoke up. He probably wasn't asleep after all.
"Guys.. why so hopeless? Have we died yet? No. Until we're alive, we have every chance to live. If we're fated to escape, then we will, no matter who opposes. We'll fight to death. We'll escape, or die trying. But never give up."

Everyone felt a different kind of inspo from Beomgyu's words. They smiled at one another and Jungwon hugged Sunoo. Jeongin replied with, "And this is why you're my best friend. Because you're the friend who's simply the best."

Jisung was happy seeing best friend interactions but he felt lonely. He also wanted Felix to hug him or hear Seungmin's escape plans. He missed them so much.
"You're telling me we came all the way for this? Empty ass ground??" Jay exclaimed.

"Now that bitch has blocked me, I don't know what to do." Seungmin said. "But guys, let's wait."

"I'm sick of waiting. We have no idea whether they are alive or dead. We have no idea where they are. I'm dead tired of everything." Taehyun said with a tinge of hopelessness in his voice.

"No, we will find them no matter what it takes. And we'll find them TONIGHT!" Minho wasn't backing off anytime soon. His courage boosted others, and they began searching again with added fervour.

"What if it's a person from the kidnappers messaging us the wrong location to distract us so they can finish them off? What if it's Keeho?" Wooyoung asked, referring to the unknown number.

"They unblocked me! I'm calling them!" Seungmin exclaimed at that very moment. "Put it on speaker," Changbin mouthed and Seungmin complied.

"Who even are you!"
"My name is Yoon Keeho—"


"Wrong location? No. Why don't you believe me! I don't want to be where I am right now. I want to help you guys. I don't have enough time, I barely sneaked here to talk to you—"
"Once I find you I will break all your bones and murder you," Minho threatened in a low voice.

"Is it Lee Minho? Oh yes. I know what you feel right now and I deserve it. you'll be more than welcome to kill me, I don't want to live either. But first, please, save your Jisung, I'm the only one who can help y—"

"Why is that so? Why are you helping us?" Seungmin asked.

"Because I don't want Jisung and Sunoo to die. Do you know they're planning to torture and kill them tonight? Come and save us- I mean them. They're the only people who ever loved or looked up to me genuinely, and I returned their kindness in shitty ways. I want to do something in return, one last thing. But please, trust me, the location can't be tracked. So I'm begging you to trust me. We're in the underground of Busan, here I turned on the location, now you can track us. Be quick. I'll let you in and give you a hiding spot. But be quick."

"Okay, suppose we trust you. Where do we come in?"
"I'll give you an outlet soon, just come quickly. Bring the police if you can. Just hurry. I want father to end today."

A distant "Keeho-yah!" Was heard and Keeho hung up. Now they looked at each other.

"We can't all fit there, no. Some of us have to go back to the police station." Chan said.

"I'm going, we're all going," Hongjoong referred to his team.
"No. I'm going nowhere without Jisung!" Wooyoung exclaimed.
"And me Jeongin and Beomgyu! My friends are there!" Jongho said.

"Okay, San, Wooyoung and Jongho will remain here. Who else?"

"I'm staying," Soobin said.
"And me," Taehyun said.

"Okay then, me and Kai will go," Yeonjun nodded and wished the two good luck.

"I suppose I should leave. We're already a lot of people." Changbin looked at Minho and he nodded.

"No, Felix, you can't go, absolutely not—"
"I will! I'm not going anywhere without Jisungie and Innie!"
Hyunjin and Felix bickered in the corner. In the end, Hyunjin gave in.

"Soobin will handle you all, okay? The police will need more convincing. I'm going." Chan said. Seungmin nodded.

"Niki?" Heeseung asked.
"Don't even think about it. Don't." Niki growled.
"Okay, Jakey, come with me." Heeseung said as Jake held his hand. "And you guys, take care of Niki or else!" He threatened Jay and Sunghoon, who just nodded in reply.

So the last people who were going to the rescue were: Jay, Sunghoon, Taehyun, Minho, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Felix, Soobin, San, Wooyoung and Jongho.

"We're following your lead, Soobin- and Minho-hyung." Taehyun whispered and Minho took a deep breath.

The night had just begun.
Hello LAVies! It's your fandom name hahaha
Abbreviation of like a Volcano is LAV
So your name is lavie hahaha it sounds cute
Here is my late gift to you <3 I don't celebrate Xmas but to those who do, happy Christmas!

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now