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"We're outside. Come and get us." Seungmin whispered in a low voice, almost commanding. Nevertheless, after a little while, a blue haired male opened the window.

"Oh thank God, you came in time!" He smiled at them and let them jump in through the window.

"Father is about to come. Let me take you to the room where they are. Be quiet and don't make a noise. Father doesn't know I'm on your side, so i will have to pretend in front of him. Okay?" He instructed and all of them nodded.

They quietly made their way to the room. The door creaked open, and down below were passed out people. Minho wanted to cry at the sight of their starved, pitiable condition.
"If someone comes, hide in the closet. Don't untie them yet, it'll be suspicious. I'll have to turn off the light, let's wait a while and escape. Keep your vehicle on alert outside in case you want to escape in emergency. Happy meeting, I'll be upstairs."

Keeho went and turned off the light, locking the door.
"Whatever the hell was that about? Who is with us?" A voice whispered.

"That was about us." Minho's voice sounded in the room and Jisung had to stop himself from screaming. Beomgyu almost did scream but thankfully Taehyun covered his mouth. All of them sat around their respective boyfriends (except Soobin and Niki) and greeted them.

"See? I told you guys. We're saved!" Beomgyu cheered.
"Shhh. You'll alert someone baby." Taehyun said. Beomgyu giggled in reply.

"How did you come here?" Jungwon asked and Jay explained everything.

"I told you guys, we'll be okay!" The twinkling laughter was back in Beomgyu's voice, like how it has always been. They caught up on the past events with each other.

"After y'all disappeared, we were like, crazy worried," Felix explained, "We were panicking when Keeho sent a message to Seungmin about the address."

"I never expected leader-nim to be on our side," Sunoo nodded. "But he always took care of me."
"Whatever," Jisung wasn't happy about this redemption arc. "I'm not forgiving him, ever."

"You have a right to not forgive him, it's up to you," Minho replied. A low-volumed chatter broke out in the dark room, very barely audible.
"Chloroform sprays? Weren't they our design? Our idea?" Soobin asked.
"Exactly, hyung, they got there too. They got to our idea and used it on us. We were in the basement, now we're moved to this room." Jungwon replied.

"But we barely brought any advanced weapons? It's the same old chloroform spray, pepper spray, some spiked bats and that's all?" San looked worried.

"And have you forgotten about our Glock 40's?" Wooyoung laughed. Jungwon looked alarmed. "You brought this all and went to the police station as well? What if they see you with this?"

"Don't worry, we won't take these out unless 'absolutely necessary'," Hyunjin said with a chuckle. Jungwon looked disapproving. "I don't trust you with these."

"Prefect-ship is getting to your head, Jungwon, learn to have some fun." Niki sassed.
"This isn't some stupid school rule! It's the law!"

"Wonnie, keep your voice down!" Jay urgently whispered and listened hard. There were footsteps. Hastily they ran to hide in their spots. There was one huge moment of tension then the door opened and the lights were on.

Jisung squinted because of the light's intensity. A man, dressed in head to toe, with a hat, sunglasses, gloves and a mask, made his way down the stairs. Accompanying him, a bunch of other people with boxes and horrendous weapons.

They could not see his face. They could not see at all because of the huge spotlight above. Tied in a circle, Jeongin struggled to break though, but couldn't. The ropes were too tight.

After his eyes had adjusted, Jisung saw Keeho, his right hand man, looking down at them with an expression of disgust. Whoever's side he was on, he sure was a very good actor.

"Did you follow the plan, Keeho-yah?"
"Yes, Father. They're hiding behind the cupboard, and two of them behind the curtain."
Their mouths fell open. Even Jungwon stared with his jaw hanging.

Then, as their saviors were discovered one by one, it dawned upon Jisung.

Keeho luring the others here was a part of the plan! Kang Haejung wanted to finish them all!

By his side he saw Jungwon coming to the same conclusion. The others tried to fight, but couldn't succeed. All twelve of them were tied together now.

"And now, let the show begin. My name is KHJ, I don't have a name, but you can call me KHJ. I have a hobby of inventing dangerous weapons, you have seen one of them when I used them on my dear nephew," he gestured towards Seungmin, who uttered a string of very explicit curses venomously.

"Unfortunately, he didn't die, which means my toxin failed. I have made another one to kill you with today, Seungmin-ah, let's test to see if it works." The laughter was in his voice, and Jisung felt his blood boil.

"Then dare to, you ugly old vulture, dare to kill me. Look me in the eyes. Just let me escape these ropes and—" Seungmin struggled against the ropes.

"What will you do after escaping these, huh? I'll kill you with a single shoot, like how I almost did before. You won't even get to say goodbye to your honey here," — he glanced at Jeongin— "you should be grateful that you can speak at all. One more word and your boyfriend's gone."

"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Don't you fucking look at him." Seungmin looked positively terrifying to Jisung, a manic, otherworldly look in his eye. The most sane person of them was looking insane.

"And about you all, I have blades for our dear Jisung." KHJ continued.
"Fuck you, you ugly bitch," Minho growled. His face wasn't visible, but his emotions showed through his voice.

"Oh, I'm enjoying these love stories, so romantic," Haejung laughed. A piercing laugh.
"Hey, if you're that daring why don't you show that ugly face? Yeah, you should enjoy these love stories and separating lovers because no one would date your ugly ass. Is that why you hide your face? So that nobody can see that ugly shit?" Beomgyu said. The entire room went silent.

"Beomgyu, no, what have you done!" Taehyun sounded worried.
Haejung slowly approached Beomgyu. Jungwon closed his eyes in fear. Beomgyu shivered slightly, regretting everything.

A huge blow sounded as Haejung struck Beomgyu hard across the face.
"No! Don't hurt him!" Taehyun begged. But nobody listened.

"Or maybe I should remove my gloves. That's what you want to see right? My bare hands and face?" He removed his gloves and slapped Beomgyu again twice.
"I was doing a favour to you kids. But now I think I should just reveal everything to you. You're about to die anyway. It's been long before I had told anyone my life story."

Seungmin was alarmingly reminded of something. He looked around and they felt the same. It felt familiar. But they couldn't put their finger down on it.

"Father... Father.." Sunoo begged but again he didn't listen.

Slowly, he removed his hat and his sunglasses and with one fleeting movement, removed his mask.

Jisung's heart shot up to his throat. He was hallucinating, right? This couldn't be. This could not be.

Nobody said anything. Nobody dared to. Everyone stared open-mouthed at Haejung.

Then, a long time later, in a very feeble voice, Wooyoung spoke.

"MR. KIM?"

I hope you're feeling dizzy rn

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