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One by one, the teacher called out names as Jisung's heartbeat got faster. Felix looked white next to him and on his left side he could hear Seungmin muttering prayers. After 2 weeks of agony, they were getting their results. It was the last day and after that, they would have a week off. A few more failed exams later, Felix's name was called.

"Lee Felix!" Mrs. Anh called out, as Felix went ahead to collect his exam. "Good job, you scored the highest yet."
Felix came back with a 82/85 and sat down. Jisung and Seungmin high fived him under the table. After that, Seungmin's name was called and he of course got full marks.

Now it was Jisung's turn.
He went ahead, shaking but his mouth fell open when he saw his grade.
Everyone was shocked. The lonely, quiet kid getting full marks? That too in chemistry?
A few whispers followed him along as he made his way back. He glanced at Hyunjin who had a clear 48/85 on his exam, and at Changbin who managed to score 60, to Wooyoung and Soobin who had 45 and 64 respectively.

And finally at Minho who was looking at him, only this time his eyes showed the smallest part of some interest. His hand covered his exam so Jisung couldn't see his grade. Jisung wondered if he regretted misbehaving with him in McDonald's the other day. He looked at Felix, who was beyond himself with joy and at Seungmin who had that rare starry-eyed smile, he even patted his back! While Felix engulfed him in a side hug and refused to let him go until the next period.

The day went on and all their grades were revealed. Jisung scored very good marks. Seungmin was on top of class as always but Felix wasn't second. He was third.
Jisung was second. But Felix seemed to be happier than him. Only that Jisung could see his genuine happiness. He didn't seem to be pretending. So Jisung took his chance.

After waving Jeongin and Seungmin goodbye, Jisung turned towards Felix and cornered him.
"Lee Felix, you know I love you right?"
"Y..yeah?" Felix asked confused.
"And you're my sunshine twin. We're besties for life and we'd tell each other anything, right?"
"Yeah. Twins for life."

"Tell me the truth."
Felix looked confused.
"Why are you so quiet around Hyunjin?" Jisung asked.
Felix went white (yet again).
"Hmm?" Jisung looked extremely smug.
"Well.. but oh God don't tell anyone... Wait no you should.. but.." Felix was stuttering.
"Felix, I'm waiting." Jisung asked impatiently.

A while later, Jisung spoke up.
"If you tell me, you tell everyone. I'm going to FaceTime Jeongin and Seungmin if you don't—"
"Okay, okay. I have a huge ass crush on him."
"On who?" Jisung seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this.
Felix gritted his teeth. "Hwang Hyunjin."
The victorious look on Jisung's face was extremely smug.

"And that's why you had us sit at the same spot everyday? So that you had free access to staring at him?"
"Quiet a detective, aren't you?" Felix growled.

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