Burned again?~Emu & Minori

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Plot:Minori helps Emu with a injury!(Platonic)

(Fantasy AU)

Heavily inspired by a book written by Flash_Sword (the title is called 'if only' go check it out on their profile!)And they had given me permission to use their vampire Emu,please dont beat me up,Wattpad :(



Minori POV:


I sighed,braiding the front my hair into its usual hairstyle with a dark dark pink flower the end.I put on a button-up shirt with a dark orange tie and some black pants.I hummed as I decided to wear some brown ankle-boots.I was supposed to start the job my parents forced me to do today.

As a demon,you'd think I'd be in hell,no?Well,it's not exactly hell,its just a dark town away from the mortal world.Its mostly heavy rain in hot weather,or light rain and dark skies with strong winds..In short,theres never a day when it doesn't rain.Most of the creatures that inhabited this small town was 60% demon,20% ghost and the very small amounts of 15% werewolf and 5% vampire.

Most of the vampires are being wiped out as they are attacked by werewolves and then converted into a werewolf.I whistled a dull tune,going to leave my home.

I opened the door and stuck my hand outside.A gust of strong hot air and rain blew into my face.I sighed,grabbed an orange hoodie, and threw it on.I pulled up the hood and walked outside.Rain was pouring heavily out of the dark skies,but it wasn't hot like usual,but it was just chilly.Not just cold,it was just now a spine-chilling cold.

I sighed,making my way to town center.I lived on the outskirts,where it was even darker and colder.I looked at my phone,finding my way to where I needed to go."Yo!Minorinrin!"Someone yelled.I gasped slightly,looking to see who called me.I turned to see Shiho.Her sister was in the opposite realm,so people didn't really talk to her.

Shiho is part of the werewolf population,so I'm not really worried about her hurting me,as demons and werewolves get along quite well!"So,why are you out in this lovley weather?"Shiho enquired,using my shoulder as an armrest.I swallowed back an insult and turned to her.

"It's none of your business,Shii.I'm not in a good mood,I need to be somewhere."I grumbled.Shiho nodded and got off me.I waved slightly,going where I needed to be.

Emu POV:


I held the sunhat atop of my head.The strong wind and rain was close to blowing it off a few times,and the sun decided to come out today.The weather app promised me dark skies and heavy rain only!

I fortunately decided to wear one of Mafuyu's old oversized lavender cardigain over my pale pink sleeveless dress with small white dots.I was only wearing peach converse,I should have put on socks at least!I mean at least my special anklet will protect my legs,I guess.

I sighed,continuing my way to the local farm.Mafuyu wanted me to get some fresh dullfruit.Unoriginal?I know.The founder of this place couldn't think of a good name.The fruit is like what mortals call a 'avocado' but it was black on the outside,with the inside being a sweet crimson red mush.The centre had something similar to honey.Overall,it tasted good!

I whistled,skipping through the dimly lit streets,but still keeping a hand on my hat to make sure it didn't slip off.I looked up at the sky,the sun was fading!I held my hand out in the sunlight,testing something."EEK!"I squealed.I retracted my now badly burned pale hand,mumbling profanities.A faded sun shouldn't burn me this bad!I need to get stronger!I examined my hand for a while,it was all entirely bright red.I hissed slightly.I'll visit one of those demon healers on my way there.

I speedwalked down the street,listening to the rain pattering on the streetwalk.Many people were out today,not vampires.I even witnessed one of those Karen banshees causing a scene in a local Buckstars.I chuckled at the scene,continuing my journey.


I cautiously entered the healer's cottage and walked inside.I saw an unfamiliar brown-haired girl,humming a song.They looked up,and I realised it was Minori!"Hey,Minorinrin!"I giggled,sitting in front of him.He looked unimpressed and put their spoon in their cup of pudding."What did you do now,Mx Otori?"Minori sighed,folding his arms.I chuckled nervously."I...the sun burned my hand pretty badly..!"I mumbled.Minori shook his head,holding out his hand."Burned your hand again?"He groaned.

I held out my burned hand to see the injury had gotten worse.Some skin was peeling off,and some parts were bleeding.Minori took my burned hand in their own,looking closely.He looked back up at me,glaring."Stop going out in the sun,you dumbass."They blunty said.I nodded.Minori got up and went somewhere.He came back with a Taiyaki,placing it in front of me."Chocolate cream."He smiled.

I quickly picked it up,eating it almost immediately.I felt a sharp stinging sensation in my hand.I looked at my hand to see the bleeding slow down slightly.Minori grabbed my wrist and started bandaging up the hand."Give it a few hours."He nodded.I smiled, getting out of my seat.I stopped at the door."I was going to stop at the farm to pick up some fruit,wanna come with?"I smiled.Minori nodded,getting up.

Minori POV:


Me and Emu were sitting on a bench,eating some form of ramen.Well,I was the one eating,Emu was having their afternoon cup of animal blood.The vampires in this town are rarley let out to get blood from the mortal world,so they adapt to animal blood,as it is similar.Emu looked up from their drink and looked at me.

"I must get going,Mafuyu wants me home before half three..."Emu sighed,they were wearing a rather upset expression and got up.

Did I mention there are different kinds of demons in this world?I'm one of the healing kind,I can heal the sick or injured with food and drink.Few other demons treat vampires very badly,those are powerful ones,and Mafuyu is one of them.I'm not saying Mafuyu is like that towards Emu,but Mafuyu setting Emu curfews worries me."What happens if you don't get home on time?"I enquired,also getting up.Emu held the bag of fruit tightly,face going paler than it already was.

Now that I think about it,when Emu had a burn on their arm from the sun a few days before,I saw quite a few bruises littered their wrists and arms.I also noticed some below their knees on the way here...

"I...it's not pretty,thats all you need to know."Emu said dryly.That only increased the worry that was already clogging my throat."E-Emu..."I started.Emu just turned away and walked off,not even saying goodbye!I clenched my fists,forcing myself not to cry.

I'm going to follow them home and see whats up...


Author note:I might make a part 2,but who knows.

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