Gaming!~Akito & Nene

152 4 26

Plot:Neen train akit for competition(Platonk)

Requested by:Riddle10120

My motivation is dying,so this might be kinda short-


Akito Shinonome


I huffed,crossing my arms.Tsukasa had invited me to this gaming competition bullshit,and the thing is,I'm not exactly good at them.

I wandered around the school,considering who was the best person to ask.

Obviously not Tsukasa,he'd tease me until death about it.Definitely not Toya, I'd just get stressed that he keeps winning.Rui is a no go,he'd probably to some weird shit to me instead of actually training me.

I noticed a familiar green girl,and an idea formed in my head.I guess she wouldn't mind if I asked.Well,as long as she doesn't tell Tsukasa that I'm absolutely dogshit.

I walked up to her,patting their shoulder to catch her attention.Nene turned to me,glaring."What the hell do you want?"Nene murmured.

I stayed quiet,thinking over how I should ask.She raised a brow,appearing impatient.

"Can you train me for some gaming thingy Tsukasa's pulling?"

"Eh?Oh that.The son of a bitch didn't invite me!"

I nodded,not really knowing what to say.Nene held her chin,seemingly in thought."I'll help you...but...You best be better than Tsukasa!"

"Thats great!Thanks!"

Nene hummed,walking off.I was gonna walk away myself,but then realised that I had no idea where we were gonna meet,and even if she wants to meet me.

I shrugged it off,heading to my next class.


"Here we are,Shinonome."Nene said dryly.I nodded.It's always been akward between me and Nene,as we never really talk.

Nene unlocked her door and moved out of the way,letting me enter their property.I looked around,the main room giving a nice cozy feeling.

"This way."Nene mumbled,gesturing to the stairs.I lagged behind Nene,entering her bedroom.I felt her tug my arm,dragging me down.

"What kind of game?"



I twitched,surprised at her outburst.I shrugged,murmuring something along the lines of "I don't know."

She gave me a side-eye,picking out a random game."Catch."Nene smiled.I turned to her a second too late and was smacked in the head with some sonic CD.

"Do more physical activity,dipshit!"Nene snickered.

I gave her a glare,picking up the game cartridge.But as soon as I picked it up,Nene snatched it out my hand,placing the disk into the console.

"C'mon dumbass.Training time."


Nene Kusanagi


"You're terrible,Akito."

"I know."

Akito threw down the controller,laying onto the ground in defeat.I chuckled slightly,watching him advance to throwing a fit.

"It's almost time,I should go."Akito grumbled,getting up.I smiled to myself,knowing he was gonna fail miserably.

"Have fun loosing!"



Word count:482

Author note:Bro this was so lazy,it was a bonus chapter for the 4 month anniversary ofc its gonna be short.Anyways,R.I.P my motivation.Ill update next year /hj

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