Bad day?~Shizuharu

81 5 19

Plot:cute Shizuku and Haruka moment

Requested by:Aluca4Life


Shizuku POV:


"Hey Haru?"I mumbled.

"Eh?"She asked,standing behind me.

"I've been called into it okay if I leave for a few hours?"I sigh,fidgeting with my fingers.

"Mhm!Of course!"She smiled,placing a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled back,getting out of my seat to leave.I slipped on my shoes,throwing a jacket over me.

"See you later!"I wave,closing the door.

I was greeted by the cold fall air basically slapping me across the face.I sighed,shoving my hands into my pockets.I hesitated,but began making my way to work.

Haruka POV:


I was so bored!Shizuku's workplace took them away from me!I groaned,rolling around the living room floor.I then stopped and sat up,realising something.

Shizuku's best friend has a nightcord account!I have someone to talk to!

I ran out of the room and grabbed me and Shizuku's shared laptop and I logged in to my account.

I opened up nightcord and scrolled for mine and Mafuyu's chat room.

"Bingo..."I mumbled.

I opened the chatroom and hesitated,thinking of what to say.I then typed the first thing that came to mind.

<Blueberry:Mafuyu?Can we talk??>

I internally screamed at how sinister that could be taken.I was about to delete the message when I saw that Mafuyu was already typing.

<Yuki is typing...>

I held my breath,unsure if the response would be positive or negative.

<Yuki:What do you need,Haruka?>

I exhaled out of relief,placing a hand on my chest.I quickly moved my hands to my keyboard to type up a response.

<Blueberry:Shizuku isn't home right now,I'm feeling lonely. :( >

<Yuki is typing...>

<Yuki:In that case,I would love to talk to you! :D>

<Blueberry:Are you sure?Don't you have plans with Emu..?>

<Yuki:Nah,nah!I'm good!>
<Yuki has sent 1 attachment>

<Blueberry:WTF IS THAT?!>


<Blueberry:What even is that image bro...>

<Yuki:I googled it>
<Yuki has sent 1 attachment>

<Blueberry:That's not even Kohane anymore...>
<Blueberry:Where did you even find that?The dark web?>


<Blueberry:I WAS JOKING->

<Yuki:I wasn't.>




Me and Mafuyu talked..well..texted for hours.Its nice bonding with your lover's friends!I jumped when I heard keys in the door.I quickly turned to bid Mafuyu goodbye.

<Blueberry:Shizu's home,gotta go!>

<Yuki:Get Nightcord on your phone and text me when you can?>
<Yuki:At least tell me how they're doing!>

<Blueberry:Yeah,ofc!See ya!>


I closed Nightcord,logging out of the laptop and closing it.I ran out into the hallway to greet Shizuku,but was met with their shoes strewn across the floor.I sigh,picking them up and placing them on the shoe rack.I then got up to go and talk to Shizuku.

I walked up to the couch and peered over to see Shizuku laying there,head in her hands.

"Shizuku,hunny,what's wrong?"I asked with a calming tone.

They looked like they had been crying,and I let out a small sigh.

"Go put your pyjamas on,we'll talk about this."I smile.

Shizuku made a quiet sound of agreement and left.I was already in my penguin pyjamas,so all I had to do was sit and wait.

After a while,Shizuku trudged back,slowly taking a seat next to me.

"What happened,baby?"I hum,wrapping an arm around their shoulder.

"Bad day..."Shizuku quietly spoke.

I gave Shizuku a sympathetic expression and pulled them into an embrace.I ran my hand through her hair,humming a song.

They wrapped their arms around me in return,breathing shallow.Soon,they started crying,and I slowly rocked us back and forth as an attempt of comfort.

"Haruka..?"Mumbled Shizuku.

I hummed in response,giving her a gentle squeeze.

"I... love you..?"They almost asked

"I love you too..."I mumbled,hugging them closer.


Author note:Sorry,it's short,next chapter might make up for it!I'm working on a book centred around the Hinomori family,check it out!

Also,sorry for the slow publish,I've been distracted by the game 'bandori'!

Anyways,I'll see you next chapter!


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