First Meeting~Enakasa

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Listening to IDSmile while writing this shit 😍
Requested by Aluca4Life
Ena Pov:

"Alrighty, Mizuki,almost done!"I said,picking up the costume Mizuki asked me to fix up.
"Thanks, bestie!"They chuckled.I hate it when
they call me that."Oh yeah!"They exclaimed, turning to me."If you're gonna ask me to meet An,A.K.A., your girlfriend,I've already met her,idiot."I rolled my eyes.They quickly flushed and shook their head."I want you to hang out with my friends Tsukasa!"They smiled.
"You mean Rui's best friend?"I asked,turning to my drink."Yeah!"They grinned."Is that a yes?"They said,chuckling."Isn't he loud, though? I have sensitive ears,remember?"They just shook their head and went back to doodling.I just mumbled a small "fine" and went back to sewing.

Tsukass POV:

I've been waiting for almost five minutes!How long does it take to walk to the PARK?!What did Mizuki say her name was again..? Emma...Ella...something with a 'E'

"You're Tenma,right?"Someone asked from next to me.I looked to the side and looked up slightly.Curse everyone for being SLIGHTLY taller than me!"You're the person Mizuki wanted me to meet?"I asked.Her face slightly flushed, and she said,"O-OF COURSE!YOU'RE EVEN MORE STUPID THAN IMAGINED!"I felt my own face heat up,either out of embarrassment STAR DOESN'T CRUSH ON SOMEONE THEY DONT KNOW!

"Earth to Tenma,"she said,clicking her fingers in my face."I'm Tsukasa."I blurted out.She went slightly pink."E-Ena,"she mumbled.Ah,i was close enough,Ella is close to ena,right?We just stood there,both unironicaly blushing."W-Wanna go to the café down the street then?"She asked, looking DOWN at me.IM NOT THAT DAMN SHORT!

"Okay,fine,sure,"I grumled.She smiled and started walking,me obviously following behind."And stop looking down at me,you're only 2 inches taller!"I yelled.She just gave me a thumbs up and then said,"LAST ONES THERE A ROTTEN EGG!"And then she started sprinting away.I let out an exasperated sigh and started running after her,I lost enough races to Rui,I'm not losing this one,and a STAR SHOULD ALWAYS WIN!
-Timeskip sponsored by Akito's 1* pose-

The blush had never left my face.Ena had kissed me before she left....KISSED!A FUTURE STAR HAS HAD HIS FIRST KISS!?"Someones happy?"Saki said as soon as I walked through the front door.My blush intensified, and i just mumbled a small "Shut up.."Before sprinting up to my room.


GAAAAAH MY BRAIN,I STRUGGLED THINKING OF A STORYLINE.Had to listen to Becoming Potatoes to revive braincells...Hope you enjoyed this,Aluca4Life,feel free to request anytime!

Hope you enjoyed this,Aluca4Life,feel free to request anytime!

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