
172 3 129

Plot:Tired ourple guy :(

Somewhere in the future,ages range around 20-21

Requested by:AlucaIsREAL


Toya Aoyagi


I sat at the dining table,completing some work on my laptop.Rui hadn't woken up yet,and that's quite concerning to me.Yes,he could be sleeping in,but he's usually an early bird.Being honest,he's either awake at four in the morning or two in the afternoon.What's he been doing to have a trainwreck of a schedule?

I guess I could wake him up,I heard somewhere that sleeping too much is just as bad as sleeping too little.I guess I should...

Getting up,I took my glasses off and headed over to the staircase.It's felt lonely ever since Rui spent most of his time either sleeping or working on something and sleeping on the couch is starting to feel extremely uncomfortable.

I had arrived at the door to our room,gently knocking on the door."Rui?Are you awake yet..?"

No response.That's normal.Should I just barge in?No...it's kind of rude...but he needs to wake up!I hesitantly cracked some of the door,poking my head through.Rui was still asleep,with some papers in hand with some circling them.

Tsukasa must have big plans for their next show,huh.I assume he's been working on it for a while,and the cans of energy drinks everywhere prove my suspicion.

I walked towards them,gently shaking him by the shoulder.Rui's eyes shot open,and he looked at me with a confused look.

"Good morning,Toya..."He yawned.

"Afternoon."I corrected.

Rui nodded,getting up.He still had this tired look in his eyes.They've slept for so long,so how is he still tired?

"What day is it..?"Rui mumbled.


"I still have a two more days,great..."

Why is he asking about the date?Has he not checked the day for the almost week he was in here?The silence felt loud,and I really wanted to say something,but I just couldn't.

"Um...Wanna eat something?"I offered,heading towards the door.Rui shrugged,staying quiet.I frowned,worried.

Rui hasn't eaten anything but cup ramen,so I may as well get him something proper to eat.But...why would Tsukasa give them all this work?Aren't they best friends or something..?

"I'll be downstairs...okay?"I smiled,exiting the room.I heard Rui mumble something,but I couldn't distinguish what it was.Not wanting to disturb him any longer,I shut the door.

Think,Toya,think.What would Tsukasa or Akito do in this situation.Well...Akito would call him a 'Overworking git' and then tell him to start taking care of himself.Tsukasa would probably drag him outside by the ankles,and I don't think I can do that...


I sat on the couch,switching through countless TV channels.Nothing good was on,same as usual.Sighing,I just left it on some baking show...I could really learn how to make someone a birthday cake...

I felt someone lean against my side,yawning quietly.I looked over to see the top of Rui's head.

"Finally left your cave?"I chuckled,hugging them.

"I'll return to it soon."


I let him go,getting up.

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