The dark~Akikasa

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Plot:Tsukasa is deathly afraid of le dark 😨


Tsukasa POV:


"Do you really have to leave..?"I sighed.

Akito had to go for a performance that conveniently been pushed back to tonight,which was supposed to be a night in for the both of us!

"An's just salty that Mizuki's at a family event and wants to tear us all away from our loved ones...I'll make it up to you tomorrow,yeah?"Akito smiled weakly.

I sighed,nodding again.Akito smiled again and gave me a kiss on the cheek.I climbed out of my seat and followed him to the front door.

"I'll see you later,love you!"He said,ruffling my hair.

I smiled for the first time that night and waved while he walked away.I shut the door after,feeling the misery of loneliness kick in.

I'll just sit and watch Netflix to feel better,I don't have anything else to do anyway.I flopped onto the couch and opened Netflix,looking for something to watch.


I was binge watching Heartstopper,eating some of Akito's cheesecake.He didn't exactly tell me not to have it?I yawned,stretching my legs.Speaking of Akito,when did he say he was coming home again?

I paused my show and checked the time.Akito sent a message saying he'll be back in around two hours... that was an hour ago...I'M GONNA HAVE COMPANY SOON!

I grinned to myself and unpaused the show.Everything was going well,I was enjoying myself,I had a tasty snack,and I couldn't have a better night alone!

Well,that was until the TV suddenly shut off,along with the lights.

"Huh?"I gasped to nobody in particular.

I hesitantly sat up,feeling my way to the staircase.I sprinted upstairs,frightened to look back.

I barged into me and Akito's room,slamming the door shut behind me.I sat on the floor,leaning against the door and tucking my knees into my chest.I shakily caught my breath,feeling around the floor for something.

I grabbed one of Akito's hoodies that was left abandoned on the floor.I threw it on over my shirt,shoving my hands into my pockets.

I didn't like the dark,especially when it's silent as well.I took my phone out of my shorts pocket,hand quivering.I was shaking violently,fighting back tears.

I struggled to unlock my phone,but I got there eventually.I scrolled for Akito's contact,feeling tears escaping my eyes.

Akito POV:


I sighed.The show was almost over,and we were preparing for the closing song.

"Hey Akito-kun?Your phones buzzing!"Kohane pointed out.

I raised a brow,holding my hand out of the phone.Kohane placed it in my hand,giving a suspicious face.

"It's probably his precious boyfriend!"Teased An

"Oh shut up!At least mine hasn't stood me up yet!"I argued.

I rolled my eyes at her,getting up to take the call.I shut the backstage door,answering the phone.

"Hello?"I said.

"A-Akit..o..when coming..h-home..?"Came Tsukasa's broken voice

"Around ten minutes..what happened?Are you alright?"I heard the worry evident in my voice.

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