Moving in!~Harukana

106 3 16

Plot:Kanada helps Haru move into house😋

Requested by:Aluca4Life


Kanade Yoisaki


I sighed,looking around my train wreck of a bedroom.I had nothing to do today,and I felt too tired to stare at a screen all day.Haruka's been recommending all types of "healthy" food and such,even dropping some off,but I haven't had it yet.

Speaking of Haruka,she's asked me to give her a hand with something,but not being very specific.I didn't mind though,I like helping people!At that moment,my phone chimed,signalling a notification.I pulled it out,momentarily blinded by the brightness.

Through my blurred eyes,I managed to read the notification.

<Blueberry:Hey Kana!I'm coming now!>

I sighed,scratching the back of my neck.Should I clean up or just not let her enter my room.I stared at the message,thinking hard.I then finally decided to respond.


It was a dull response,but I was too tired to liven it up.I built up the strength to heave myself out of bed.I exited my room and went downstairs,holding onto the wall for support.

After a huge effort,I made it to my kitchen.I opened the fridge,scanning around for something to eat.

I managed to find some miso soup Haruka put in a small container for me.It wasn't exactly a breakfast food,but it's still something.

I staggered over to the almost empty dish rack and grabbed a bowl,pouring the soup into it.I grabbed the bowl and put it into the microwave,starting to heat it up.

I huffed,tired from moving around so much.I lifted myself onto the counter,staring at my kitchen table.

Time stretched on,and my soup was finally heated up.I took it out of the microwave,taking a seat at my dining table.

I stirred the soup with my spoon for a while,still thinking of what Haruka could need help with.It might not be a really big deal,but why would she ask me of all people?


I decided to do some housework while I waited.Usually Honami would come over and do it,but she's ill,so I'm trying to do it myself.

I finished washing out the bowl I had eaten with and placed it on my counter.I didn't know what to do with myself now.

I've finished making my house look somewhat presentable,so I guess I'll just wait.

At that moment,a gentle knock was heard from my front door.I got up,staggering over and opening the door.Haruka was standing there,smiling at me with around eight boxes by their side.

"Hello,Kanade!"She smiled.I waved in response,still gawking at the number of boxes."What do you need all those for..?"I groggily asked.

"Oh,these?I'm moving in,remember?"Haruka giggled.I tilted my head,confused."What..?Why?"I murmured.

"Well,I've told Honami that I'm capable of taking care of you so..."

"Woah,woah,woah!So Honami being sick was a lie?!"I almost yell,trying hard to contain myself.Haruka sadly nodded,looking away.

I sighed,shaking my head.I stepped outside,wincing at the sunlight."Let's take your stuff to the guest room."


Haruka Kiritani


Kanade and I were bringing the last four boxes upstairs, and we decided to bring two up each to make the job easier.

Kanade seemed to be tired and was shaking quite a lot."Kana?You okay?I can carry three,it's fine!"I offer.

Kanade shook her head and started heaving her tired body up the stairs.I watched,worried that her legs would give out,and she'll end up falling and hurting herself.

"Are you sure..?"I asked.Kanade turned her head to face me,giving a small smile."I'll be fine..."She huffed.

I nodded,walking up the stairs and following closely behind.Kanade and I finally made it to the top of the stairs,Kanade heavily breathing from next to me.

"I can... do this..."Kanade murmured,barely audible.I chuckled lightly at how determined she was.

We walked up to the guest room,which will eventually become my room.On the bright side,it was next door to Kanade's!

I opened the door,allowing Kanade to enter first.She walked inside and placed the boxes down,sighing in relief."That was exhausting..."She sighed,sitting down.

"Dont worry!I'll unpack on my own!"

Kanade nodded,laying down to presumably take a nap.It wasn't that much work!How can someone be fatigued so easily?


"All done!"I grinned,brushing the dust off my shirt.Kanade yawned,getting up to have a look around."Looks nice..."She spoke tiredly.

I chuckled,giving Kanade a pat on the head." want lunch?"I smiled down at her,taking out my credit card.

" would be nice..."Kanade hummed.I nodded,taking out my phone to order the food.

Kanade Yoisaki


The food finally came,and Haruka walked in,placing the box on the coffee table.I grabbed a slice,watching whatever was on the TV.

I've never gone so long without composing,it feels...weird.I don't really mind,as Honami always said that it's good to be out of my room for a while.

"How's the food,kanade?"Haruka questioned,flopping into the spot next to me.I shrugged,taking a small bite.Haruka didn't seem to mind my silence,so we just sat together and watched a random show.

I subconsciously ate my pizza,not even paying attention to the amount of slices H was taking until Haruka tugged my sleeve,stopping me."Hey!Slow down,you can't eat it that quickly!"They panicked.

I murmured an apology,complying with what she said.A small yawn escaped my mouth,and I stretched my arms.I had finished my pizza,and that's probably why I feel so tired.

"You just woke up from a nap not too long ago,and you're tired again?"Haruka laughed.I nodded,yawning again.I rubbed my eyes,trying to keep myself awake.

Haruka pulled me into a hug,resting my head on her chest.I stiffened,not used to receiving such affection.They ran their fingers through my hair."Go ahead,sleep."Haruka whispered.

I nodded,yawning again before closing my eyes.

Haruka Kiritani


I grabbed the remote,turning down the volume of the TV so Kanade could sleep more peacefully.I lay down,still holding Kanade.I may as well just use my phone until she wakes up.

Word count:1076

Author note:Gotta speedrun three more requests >:)

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