Sick day~Akikasa

209 5 37

Plot:Tsucaca get sick,Akitoe get worry


Tsukasa Tenma


Ugh.I feel terrible!Or in Emu's words "unwondahoi".I groaned,turning on my phone to check the time,but was greeted by a burning pain right in my head.

A small hiss escaped me,and I lay back down.I felt unmotivated to even sit up now,and the worst thing is that I have school!

Meh,Saki and my parents aren't gonna be home for a week,nobody's gonna care that I'm not there.I wrapped myself in my bedsheets,exhaling weakly.

I need to eat,but I think I'd faint as soon as I stood up.I let out a pained sigh,having nothing better to do other than staring at my plain white ceiling.

Mmmmm,I wonder how much suffering I'll miss today.Wait,don't I always make lunch for Akito...HE'S GONNA STARVE!

That thought was the only thing that made me sit up.I slowly slid out of bed,sill having my bedsheets wrapped around me.I immediately felt weak,and the urge to vomit arrived.I swallowed back my sick,laying back down.

I would tell Akito,but looking at my phone is painful enough.He's gonna he so angry at either the fact I'm not there to feed him,or I just don't show up without telling him why...

Akito Shinonome


I let out a impatient groan.Tsukasa was supposed to be here ten minutes ago,what the fuck?!I noticed Kamishiro pass me,heading through the gate.Okay,this might be a bold assumption but maybe...

"Hey!Slenderman headass!"I yell.

"Hm?Oh,Akito,goodmorning~!"Rui greeted.

"One;Just because you're my boyfriend's best friend doesn't mean you're mine.Two;WHERE THE FUCK IS TSUKASA?!"I say,giving a mean glare.

"Hmmmm....I don't know,Akito-kun~!"He said in almost a teasing tone.

I clenched my fists,holding back a rant.Rui is so punchable!

"Is that so?I asked you to distract Tsukasa for a few hours when I was setting up something for their birthday,remember?"I say,squinting my eyes.

"Indeed~!"Rui smirked.

"YOU LOCKED HIM IN YOUR BASEMENT FOR FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT!FIVE HOURS!"I yell,probably catching the attention of a few people,but I don't give a shit!

"Mission faild successfully~!"He giggled.

I gave him a blank stare,and he grinned back at me.

"I will stab you."Came my monotone voice.

"Go ahead~!"Rui smiled innocently.

I'm not doing this bullshit,I'm too stressed.I rolled my eyes,taking my leave.I heard Rui laughing behind me,but I swallowed the urge to run over and break his kneecaps.

Where the hell could Tsukasa be?!

Tsukasa Tenma


I don't know how long it's been.My phone has been buzzing repeatedly,but I couldn't find the strength in me to answer.I felt even worse than I did when I woke up.I managed to grab the cute giant bear plush thing Akito got me for my birthday.

I find it embarrassing to admit,but I think it's adorable,and I love it so much!I turned to my side,facing my wall,and hugged the bear with all the strength I could gather.

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