Halloween ball~Mizuan

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Plot:Mizuki meets An walking home from a party ig.

Halloween AU ig.

I couldn't wait till Halloween...im sorry-
I love being early to yearly events.



Mizuki POV:


Ena had forced me to come to her Halloween party.She even went to the extent of blackmailing me into a Halloween themed skirt and T-Shirt,obviously I put a hoodie on over it,as it's almost winter.I also had to wear stupid grey long socks and some pumpkin themed bow for my ponytail.

I sighed,picking up another cupcake.Ive never wanted to leave somewhere so soon in my life.I just want to leave and watch anime!I huffed,taking a bite of the cupcake.This party sucked.I wasn't really being included,not likeI wanted too,the activities they were doing are shit.I got up,shoving my hands in my hoodie pockets,getting ready to leave.

I nipped a cupcake and then left Ena's house.Free food,you know?



I hummed a quiet song,tugging the tie I was wearing.I didn't really need to hide my horns as its Halloween,and they'd be mistaken for a costume piece.I mean I was wearing a crimson suit and tie with the shirt being black.

I'm looking for a human,one that has a soul to feed off on.I usually take bad people,but with some good ones here and there.I stretched my arms,sighing. Usually,there are crackheads or drunks lurking at this time,and I'm not really patient enough to sit and wait for their arrival.

I sighed,looking around for at least one human.I'm getting a little too hungry.I was going to check another part of town until I saw a girl,walking rather quickly.I perked up and started sneaking over.I sprinted across the street and turned to the girl,smiling slightly.

I decided to go with the tactic of suprise.I crept over and then jumped out in front of the person.


The squeal from the girl was pretty loud,but not loud enough to attract anyone.

"Hello there,milady!"

"Who are you?And why are you speaking like some 1800s British dude?"

I chuckled lightly at their remark.I took their hand,smiling.I just need to sweet-talk them into my trap,and I'll have a soul that'll last me long enough!Their face flushed a dark pink,but they didn't pull their hand away.

"I'll take that as a term of endearment,now tell me,what's your name?"


Ah,how lovely.Im sure Mafuyu is familiar with this human.I'm sure she wouldn't mind me... taking their soul!

"What a lovely name,darling!I'm An!Lovely evening,hm?How've you been celebrating Halloween?"

Mizuki POV:


I felt the heat in my face increase at her words.I mean, I have to respond,or I'll seem rude...

"T-Thanks...I haven't really done anything,just leaving my friends halloween party..."

I gulped.I don't even know her,but I feel myself crushing on them already!

"Is that so?Well I was looking for someone to spend this beautiful night with."

An's gaze drifted up into the sky,and she stood upright,unfortunately releasing my hand.I noticed that she was a head taller than me and that I was up to their shoulder.

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