New School?~Enaemu

122 3 72

Plot:Emu move school and gets bully,Ena protecc(Ena don't do noot classes anymor😋)

Requested by:ivavivivi


Ena Shinonome



I rolled my eyes at my brothers greeting,sitting up.How did the weekend go by so damn fast? I yawned,reluctantly sitting up and feeling the rush of cold air hit my skin.I shivered,walking up to my window,opening the curtains.

My eyes burned,and I winced,turning away quickly.It's winter,so it's not supposed to be this sunny!I rubbed my blurred eyes vigorously,trying to get rid of the burning sensation.

I threw on my uniform and looked in the mirror.I looked kind of a mess,but do I care?No.I styled my hair how it usually was,and flattened out my skirt.

I guess I looked "presentable" now.I grabbed my phone,unlocked it,and read through all my comments on my latest post.After what felt like a while,I reached the kitchen.Akito was nowhere to be seen,I guess he must've left already.

I shrugged,grabbing a cupcake off the counter and slipping on my schoolshoes.I unlocked my door,but before I left,the feeling that I was forgetting something took over.I slapped myself upside the head,fustrated at myself for not remembering my bag,the most basic school item!

Almost tripping over my own feet,I ran up the stairs and back into my room,grabbed my bag and sprinted back down and out the house.


Jesus Christ!I'm still early,I could have walked!I sat at a bench in the courtyard,catching my breath.I haven't seen Mizuki yet,they said they'd come in today.The thing is,they haven't been in for almost a entire week!

"WANDAHOI!WANDAHOI!GOOD MORNING~!"Sang an obnoxiously high voice.The noise seemed to be coming from behind me,so I turned around to see a tiny pink girl spinning in circles,waving their arms about.

I furrowed my brows,finding the pink blob familiar.Isn't she one of the girls I taught art to?I shrugged,letting the goofball do what they wanted.

I haven't even seen her on campus she new?Maybe she's been skipping most of the year like Mizuki has?ARE THEY RELATED SOMEHOW?

I buried my face in my hands.Okay,maybe that was a stretch.Mizuki only has one sister,stupid!I sighed,closing my eyes.I guess a small nap wouldn't hurt anyone?


"Hey...hey!Shinonome!"Someone yelled.I felt a slap on the back on my head.I shot up,looking at who attacked me.It appeared to be one of Akito's friends,long blue hair,hairclips,orange eyes.Can't remeber her name though...was it Anne...Akira..?Whatever,I dont care!

"What do you want?"I groaned.Her face morphed into a mildy agitated one,but she somehow didn't snap at me."You have class in five minutes,best get goin'."She said,crossing their arms and walking away.

I stood up,realising that I was now the only person outside.The thoughts of skipping entered my mind,but I pushed it away.Gathering my stuff,I left the courtyard,heading to homeroom.

Halfway there,I started running.Why?Because I'm not taking chances!I immediately halted,lurching forward and almost faceplanting the floor.I held onto the wall,restoring my ballance and stamina.

I composed myself,walked into the classroom,and sat at my desk.Unfortunately,I was at the back,all alone.

"Attention class!"Yelled our teacher.We all fell silent and looked up at him,most of us frowning."We have a new student!Please,introduce yourself!"He smiled.I raised an eyebrow.

What maniac would wanna come here of all places?The same pink girl from earlier walked in.Their uniform was the same as mine,but the cardigan was a light pink.

"Wondahoi morning,everyone!I'm Emu Otori~!"They grinned.The class immediately lightened up,but I heard a group mocking the girl from next to me.I leaned back in my seat,trying my hardest to keep a neutral expression.

"Take a seat next to Ena!Ena!Raise your hand!"

I rolled my eyes,raising my hand slightly.Emu's smiled widened,and they ran over,diving into the seat next to me.As soon as the teacher sat back at his desk,the classroom erupted into conversation yet again.I listened to my brother talking to his "close friend",Tsukasa.

I must admit,when I saw Akito's seating plan,I had to hold back a laugh.They really sat him next to Tsukasa for every lesson!I've always thought there was something going on,but I've never confronted him about it.Yet.

My thoughts were interrupted by a suffocating hug,I swear I heard some of my ribs crack!"Wondahoi!Hello again,Ena-chan!"I smiled down at them,patting their head.

"Hey Emu,long time no see!"Emu nodded,squeezing me even tighter.I wheezed,trying to push the pink leech away.They let go,still beaming at me.I couldn't help but smile back.

Emu Otori


It was break,and I was exploring the school!Ena-chan's really nice!She's buying me a snack as I didn't bring any money today!

I hummed,twirling in circles again.I don't know why I do it,I just find it fun!I paused when I felt a light shove,causing me to almost fall over.

"Hey!That's not very wondahoi of you to do!"

I crossed my arms,looking upset.Instead of them apologising,they burst out laughing.

"Wondahoi?!How old are you?Five?"The leader teased.I stared at them,feeling my eyes water at the mean comment.

"Don't be so rude!The baby is gonna cry!"Somone laughed from the side.I said nothing,turning my head away.I felt another shove,almost knocking me over yet again.

"Come on!It's just a joke!"

I was shoved for the third time,and I fell over.I landed akwardly on my arm,wincing.Before I could stop myself,I had started crying.The bitter tears rolled down my face,and they started laughing at me again.

"I told you she was a crybaby!"

I said nothing,moving to hold my paining arm.The three approached,and the middle one grabbed my hurt arm,pulling it harshly.I let out a feeble scream of pain,trying to get their grip off me.

"Hey!Whats going on over here?!"Yelled a familiar voice.They let go of my arm,and they ran off somewhere.

"Emu?You okay?"Ena asked.They grabbed my arm,lifting me up."I'm fine... just a little hurt..."I sigh.

Ena pulled a face that was difficult to determine and held my hand,starting to walk me somewhere."Where are we going,Ena?"


Ena Shinonome


I arrived at the infirmary,making Emu sit on a bench."Where did they hurt you?"I questioned.Emu stayed quiet,gesturing at their right arm.

I crossed my arms,and before I could say anything else,the doors burst open.I looked at the nurse,who was looking from me to Emu.

"Sorry.My friends been hurt and...y'know."

She nodded,and Emu's face went extremely pale,and they had a fearful expression."Don't worry,Emu!She's not your usual doctor who gives you medicine,and injections and stuff."

That comment seemed to calm them down.I waved at them as I left,going to tend to my business.

I shut the door,running down the hallways.I need to tend to those bitches who hurt Emu.I noticed them standing in the middle of the hallway,presumably skipping class.

I walked over,clearing my throat.All three of them looked at me,glaring."What?"The leader yelled.

I clenched my fist,punching her across the face.

"How dare you hurt my gir-I mean friend!I'll kick your ass!"I threat,preparing myself to strike again.


Word count:1302

Author note:Not me forgetting this book existed.ALSO FOUR MONTH ANNIVERSARY!I MIGHT PUBLISH A BONUS CHAPTER!

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