Long distance~Akikasa

196 3 6

Plot:Basically,they kinda first meet and...uh...idk man,Tsucaca moves away,and Ed sheeran becomes emo ig.

Requested by:N/A

Fluff slowly transforming into angst😔

I wrote this up at 1am,sorry if theres any errors-


Akito Shinonome


I entered the almost empty store because my dumbass of a friend,also known as An,forgot lunch and wanted me to use my money to get her food!I shoved my hands in my pockets,digging out for the little amount of money Ena gave me for my birthday.

I took my phone out,planning on asking An for what she wanted so she wouldn't beat the shit out of me if I got her something she didn't like.

Apparently, she wanted chocolate cake.What an easy request.I sighed,heading over to the section where the desserts were usually found.

But someone just had to stand in my way,directly in front of where I needed to go.He appeared like they needed help reaching something,so the quicker I get them out of my way,the better.

"Uh,excuse me?"

The blonde turned around,raising a brow."Ah!Am I in your way?"

I nodded,and he stepped to the side."Sorry about that!"He chuckled.I gave a small smile in thanks and grabbed one of the chocolate cakes he was desperately reaching for.



I nodded,turning to grab the one for An,but the boy tugged my sleeve.I turned back to them,confused.Before I could process,he quickly gave me a hug before running off.

"What the fuck..?"I murmured.


I was scrolling through the vbs Twitter account An had made until a notification from an unknown number.I don't usually get texts,plus,if it's a fan,how the fuck did they get my number?

Did An or Toya leak my number again?If so,I swear I'll beat them both up.I'm not changing my number for a third damn time.I considered viewing the notification,weighing out if it was a scam link or some random simp

My curiosity got the best of me,and I opened the message.

<FUTURESTAR⭐️:Hello?Is this the same Ed Sheeran I met at the store yesterday?>

Wow?Ed Sheeran?!If one more person calls me that I'm committing mass murder.No second thoughts.I mean,at least the dude isn't screaming at me through text.


<FUTURESTAR⭐️:Lovely!What's your name?I never asked!I'm Tsukasa,by the way!>

<Chezcaek:I'm asking the questions.>

<FUTURESTAR⭐️:Oop ok->

I didn't know why,but the simplicity yet stupidity of his responses piss me off.Couldn't he just introduce himself then at the store so then I would have told them my name?

<Chezcaek:How the hell did you get my number?>

<FUTURESTAR⭐️:I'm friends with Toya😊>

I sighed,turning off my phone.He somehow got on my nerves,no matter what he does!I walked over to my bed,laying on my back.

I didn't want to talk to him anymore.Why?They're annoying.I listened to my phone repeatedly buzz from my desk,but I chose to ignore them.

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