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Plot:Toya helps Rui study >:)


Rui POV:


I sighed.Our teacher gave us a day off to study for our exams,and I dont even remember half the stuff he talked about!I stared at my ceiling,thinking on how to spend my day.I couldn't do anything with Tsu as he's working on something with Akito.Emu's on a date with Mafuyu.And Neen is doing something with Shizuku.I suddenly thought of someone.Toya's free today!I felt around for my phone.I saw it charging on my desk...wich was at the other side of the room.

Not being an early bird really doesn't have any perks except sleeping in when you don't have school.I rolled off my bed and rolled across the room.I then grabbed my phones wire and pulled it off the desk.

"Ugh!"I groaned.My phone decided to land right on my face!I picked it up,laying on my side.I unlocked it and went to text Toyota.


Toya was coming over!I finally got off the floor,stretching my arms.I need to find something to wear!I decided to go with a grey hoodie and some jeans with white socks.Basic,but it'll do.I heard a knock on my door,and then quickly sprinted down my stairs.

I swung open the door to see a stiff Toya.He was just wearing a plain white turtleneck and grey pants.Has he gotten taller, or am I shrinking..?

"Hello,Kamishiro."He smiled.I moved to the side,letting him enter.

Toya POV:


"So I'm here because you can't remember anything you've done for the past year?"I sighed.Rui nodded,chuckling nervously.I sighed,looking around.

" you want a drink or something?"Rui asked akwardly.I internally sighed and walked over to his dining table.It followed.

"We'll sort out snacks after we get everything set up."I said.


Rui had gotten us some drinks and snacks to have while we studied.He was barely paying attention to what I was saying!

"Rui!Earth to Rui!"I called out,snapping my fingers in front of his face.He jolted slightly,sitting up straight.

"Hm?I'm here!What did I miss??"He chuckled.I facepalmed,sighing in a fustrated manner.

"You missed me explaining quantum physics for your science exam?"I sighed.

Rui just shrugged.For a smart guy,he is somehow really dumb.I cleared my throat and started explaining all over again.


"PLEASE NO MORE,MY HEAD HURTS!"Rui complained.It laid his head on the table.We've only been working for around three hours,and we only just finished science!

"Why does your head hurt?Is it too bright?"

"Noooooo!To much information,brain can't process,braincells passing away!"

I sighed at how dramatic he was being.Its only a bit of studying,we do a lot more at school.

"We can go out for a lunch break?"I offered.

He looked up,smiling.


He ran from the table,dissappearing up to his room,probably to get his shoes or something.I walked up to the front door and waited for him there.Wait,shouldn't his parents be home?

"COME ON TOYOTA,I'M HUNGRY!"Rui suddenly appeared yet again,dragging me by the arm.

Rui POV:


We had arrived at the cafe around ten minutes ago.We had decided to sit in a discreet corner.I had gotten a simple grilled cheese and a chocolate pudding,and Toya got some waffles and a orange juice.At least he didn't get anything with vegetables,that would be gross!

"So,why weren't your parents home,Rui?"

I coughed slightly,looking up from my food.

"What do you mean?"

I smiled nervously,trying my best to avoid the question.

"How long have you been home alone for?"

He's not gonna let this go,isn't he?

"Around a month,my parents went overseas for something."

I finally admitted it.I hadn't really told anyone,as nobody really asked about it.They nodded,going back to his food.We sat in a comfortable silence,eating our food.

"Hey,Toya?"I finally said.

He raised a brow,turning his attention to me.

"Why did you want to..y' me?"I mumbled.

He was silent for a few moments.I nervously tugged at my sleeves,fearing the answer.

"Why wouldn't I?I think you're really cute and smart yet dumb aswell.You're also nice and eccentric.I really like that about you!"He smiled.

I chuckled slightly,feeling my face grow warm.

"When you're finished, we should get back to studying,we have a lot to work through."He added

I groaned.I was honestly hoping that he had forgotten all about studying and that they would do something else with me instead.

Toya POV:


"FINALLY!!"Rui sighed,stretching his arms.

We had finally completed all he needed to work on,and that meant I was relieved of my duty.Meaning that I could go home to that miserable old sack of expired cheese,also known as my father.

"Can you stay for a little longer?"Rui asked quietly.

I turned to him.It was making some adorable face that I just couldn't say no to.

"Fine,just for a few minutes,I need to go soon!"


"Thanks for today,Toyota!"Rui grinned.

I nodded,getting ready to leave.As I was about to walk out of the door,Rui turned me around and hugged me tightly.

"You'll see me tomorrow,relax!"I chuckled,gently patting his head.

"I know,stay safe.Love you!"It smiled,kissing me on the cheek.

I felt a twinge of joy as I walked through the door.I waved at him before I left his home.

Walking down the street,I hummed a soft tune.I never really noticed how nice Rui's neighbourhood was.It gives me a cozy feeling,unlike my own home...


Author note:I took long to publish this bc I couldn't find a gif I liked-

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