Chapter 4

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More days passed after that party, and unfortunately, Freen and I didn't see each other anymore. I thought I could just move on with my life, but then my professor asked me to come to his office and talk to me about my credentials.

"I found out that you're a full scholar here at EHU, and you have great potential. I wonder if you'd be willing to join the private tutoring class," Prof. Kim asked with a slightly nervous smile. "It pays well, Ms. Armstrong. Double the salary of the usual tutor. However, you won't be allowed to disclose the identity of your student."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"They are private individuals who don't want anyone to know they're taking tutoring lessons. You know, for their pride?" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, are you in?"

"Can I think about it first? I don't want to get involved in anything illegal," I replied honestly.

Prof. Kim burst into laughter, holding his stomach, and waved his hands to reassure me. "These aren't illegal, Ms. Armstrong. Don't worry," he said.

"Alright, I'll take it. What should I do?" I asked.

"Actually, nothing much. Mr. Chankimha specifically requested you to tutor his daughter in business law. You know her, right? Freen Sarocha Chankimha."

The moment Prof. Kim said her name, I couldn't help but smirk. I knew that girl had a huge IQ, so why would she need a tutor?

"Yes, I know her," I replied with a smile, extending my hand. "Consider it a deal, then?"

Prof. Kim shook my hand and nodded. "I'll send you the schedule of your private classes. Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you some vacant hours for rest."

After that conversation with my professor, I couldn't sleep properly at all. I was so excited to meet Freen and show her that the person she always belittled was her tutor.

"So, you really accepted the private tutoring? What about me?" Irin asked, leaning back in her chair and playfully covering her face with the book she was reading.

"Stop overreacting as if you're going to give me an allowance," I nudged her, motioning for her to read properly.

"I mean, you're the only one who can teach me criminal law properly during your free time. If you join that private tutoring, you won't have time to help me," Irin complained, acting like a child. "If my parents didn't force me to take this program, none of this would have happened." Irin pouted.

"If your parents can afford my fee, then we can talk," I said, winking at her.

"Can you give me a discount?" Irin asked, making me tilt my head in thought.

"If you become my girlfriend, then I'll teach you for free. But since you're not, no discount for you," I joked with a smile, closing my book. "I'm doing business, Irin. There's no room for friendship in business."

"Then can I be your girlfriend?" Irin asked, her voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

They all looked at us, but I just sighed and shook my head. I patted her shoulder and stood up.

"I still have a class later. See you around, gummy bear!" I called out, chuckling.

I hurriedly went to Prof. Kim's office to gather the materials I needed for the tutoring, and he mentioned that Freen already knew I was going to be her tutor.

Wearing my eyeglasses, I knocked three times on the door of dorm room number eight, where Freen was staying. She opened the door and rolled her eyes when she saw me.

She gestured for me to come in and crossed her arms over her chest.

"How much did my father pay you?" she asked. "I'll double it."

"It's confidential. I can't tell you," I replied, placing all the books on her study table. "Hi, Freen. I'm your tutor, and my name is Ms. Armstrong." I extended my hand, trying to lighten the mood.

"That's a surname," she said, rolling her eyes.

Freen sat on her swivel chair in front of the study table and motioned for me to sit on a folding chair beside her.

"Aren't you going to ask how old I am?" I teased.

"Is that even necessary? You're the same age as me since we're both first-years," she retorted, but I shook my head.

"I'm actually younger than you, and I skipped middle school because I'm a genius," I boasted with a smile, taking a seat. "Now, Miss Most Intelligent Student at EHU, can we start our tutoring session?"

"Go ahead and make fun of me, Rebecca. And I'll make your life a living hell after this," she threatened.

"Fine, let's see who ends up in hell," I winked at her and opened the books.

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