Chapter 46

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I rang up Nam and spilled the beans about what Becky had told me – that I needed security people to protect me, or maybe even a whole company.

The problem was, aside from Nam, I didn't have any close friends, and she was swamped with her business. It wouldn't be right to ask her to babysit me for safety. Plus, hiring security was going to cost a small fortune. I didn't have that kind of cash, and I definitely didn't want to turn to my folks for money. If I did, they'd probably insist I crash at Seng's place for a while.

The mere thought of spending time with him sent shivers down my spine.

"So, what's your game plan?" Nam asked.

"To be honest, I have no clue," I sighed. "These threats are freaking me out."

"Nat told me that Becky wants to meet with you. She's heading to your studio right now," Nam informed me.

"Since when did you and Nat get so chummy?" I raised an eyebrow.

"This isn't the time for that chat. Tidy up your studio; she's coming with the cops," Nam warned before ending the call.

I glanced around the studio. Maybe I needed to put my art on hold for a bit. I still had some savings; I could survive until they caught this stalker. I had faith that Becky would help me out.

I just hoped she still cared about me even a little.

"Ms. Chankimha?" Becky knocked on the door.

But sometimes, I couldn't help but wonder. Why did she change so much? We were fine after graduation. What went wrong?

The police questioned me about the threats and promised to assist. They also insisted I find a safer place than my studio.

"You could stay at your parents' place, Ms. Chankimha," one of the officers suggested, but I shook my head.

"I'll manage. Thanks for the concern," I replied.

Their concern probably had to do with my father. He was a businessman, and maybe they thought it was normal for someone like me, beautiful and with money, to have stalkers.

After the officers left, Becky stayed behind and asked if she could look around, and I agreed.

"That box is full of your pictures. Fortunately, there aren't any compromising ones, just you sleeping and working," Becky commented as she walked around. "I wonder where this stalker could have recorded you."

Becky checked every nook and cranny of my room and stumbled upon a gift she'd given me years ago, still unopened. I expected her to ask about it, but she brushed it off.

"Why not stay at your fiancé's place for a while? He can protect you in the meantime," Becky suggested.

"I'd rather take my chances than stay with him," I retorted. "Don't worry, Atty. Armstrong. I'll find a place."

"Do you have any friends you can stay with?" she inquired.

"I have one, but she's hardly ever home. And I don't want to burden her with all this," I replied with a faint smile.

"In that case, stay at my condo unit," she offered, causing my eyes to widen. "It's empty. Don't stress about it." Becky glanced away, scanning the room again. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted a bear plushie near my table. "Who gave you this?" she asked.

"I don't remember. I forgot," I said, looking at the bear. But it hadn't been there before.

Becky pulled the bear's eye, revealing a hidden camera. She sighed and glared at it before destroying it.

"Tell me, Ms. Chankimha. Do you want to stay here and risk your life, or come with me?" Her voice was firm.

"I—" I started to say I'd look for another place, but she cut me off.

"Just choose one," she said.

"I'll go with you," I replied.

My heart raced as Becky took my hand and handed me the broken camera.

"Pack your things; I'll be waiting for you in the car." Becky turned and walked out.

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