Chapter 32

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The next morning, even though I wasn't feeling my best, I made up my mind to head to the book fair. After all, I couldn't leave Freen all alone. She had taken care of me yesterday, and I could tell she was tired too.

Slipping into the tube dress, I was struck by how stunning it looked. It hugged my curves and brought attention to my shoulders and collarbones with a touch of elegance. However, as I took each step, its beauty collided with discomfort. The tight fit restricted my movement, and the lack of straps made me feel a bit uneasy.

"Feeling okay?" Freen inquired, noticing my discomfort.

I offered a slow nod, even though I wasn't really feeling okay. The tube dress seemed to slip down with every move, and I couldn't simply walk away. Why did I have to deal with this wardrobe malfunction?

"Would you like my cardigan?" she suggested.

Accepting it would mean she'd reveal some skin since she was wearing a spaghetti strap dress. I didn't want anyone to stare at her.

The event began, and we headed to the stage. I found myself frequently adjusting my dress as it kept slipping down with every move I made. Freen noticed and suggested I take her cardigan, but I declined.

During the activities, Freen took charge to prevent me from constantly adjusting my dress. When it was time to award the winners, they joined us on stage for a photo.

Then, out of the blue, I spotted Nat coming up to the stage. He was one of the winners, yet his expression seemed somewhat displeased. Could he be feeling jealous?

Nat approached and draped his jacket over me while accepting his prize. He didn't bother with a photo and left his jacket on me, covering my body.

All eyes were on Nat as he walked away. Some cheered, touched by his sweet gesture, which left me feeling flustered. I wasn't one to enjoy being the center of attention, especially when others teased me about being with someone.

Freen exchanged Nat's jacket for her cardigan, though her expression remained poker-faced and not too pleased with Nat's actions. The crowd cheered again upon seeing Freen's skin. These people had some strange interests.

Freen tossed the jacket to the audience and instructed me to head backstage now that the program had concluded.

"Why did you give me the cardigan? I told you I didn't want it!" I raised my voice at her.

"You didn't want that, yet you're okay with Nat's jacket? What's going on with you?" she retorted, also raising her voice.

"The crowd suddenly erupted when they saw you in that dress. Why did you wear it in the first place?" I snapped.

"As if it's my fault. Like you, I didn't choose my outfit today!" Freen snapped back, running her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"Wait, what's this argument about?" Prof. Kim intervened, positioning himself between us. "If it's about the dress, we apologize. We tried to find both of you yesterday to fit the dress, but since no one showed up, we assumed everything was fine."

Freen let out a sigh and walked away from backstage. Prof. Kim pursed his lips and turned his attention to me.

"She's just feeling jealous, Becky. Let her be," Prof. Kim mentioned, giving my shoulder a pat.

"Jealous? Why would she be jealous?" I inquired, rolling my eyes.

Returning to my dorm, I found Irin standing in front of my door, waiting for me with a milk tea in hand.

"Having a rough day?" she asked, handing me the drink.

I gestured for her to enter, changed into more comfortable clothes, and settled beside her at my study area.

"I overheard what happened backstage," Irin said while jotting something down.

"You really have a sixth sense, huh?" I teased.

"I'm just well-connected on social media, Becky. Everything happening on campus ends up on the fan page. Why not check it out?" Irin suggested, sighing. "But speaking of which, why are there rumors about you and Nat?"

"He gave me his jacket on stage earlier," I explained.

"And that's what caused the altercation with Freen backstage?" she asked, and I nodded slowly. "She's jealous."

"She's not, Irin. She willingly exposed herself to everyone. I told her I could handle it, and then she gave me her cardigan, which is why everyone cheered for her!" I vented, feeling frustrated.

"She's definitely jealous, Becky," Irin insisted. "She wanted to be the one covering you, considering you were showing skin too."

"But people are more interested in her. Not me," I countered.

"Whether they're interested or not, Freen noticed every gaze directed at you, especially when your dress was slipping. That's why she offered you her cardigan. She has a right to be upset," Irin clarified.

"Why? We're not even a couple," I muttered, sighing.

"But she cares about you. Why not consider confessing your feelings to her first? It's hard to believe she doesn't have feelings for you, Becky. She's always there for you, opening your water bottle, taking care of you when you're unwell. If that's not love, I don't know what is," Irin pointed out.

"Sisterly love," I mumbled.

"Come on, Becky. I know you sense it too. Deep down, you must think Freen feels the same way!" Irin exclaimed, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

"Should I tell her?" I pondered.

"Don't ask me, Rebecca. Just do it!" Irin encouraged. "But maybe wait until tomorrow. She's setting up a mini booth today."

"She's having a mini booth?" I asked.

"Yep, she's opening a mini booth tomorrow to showcase her paintings. If you make a purchase, you'll even get a free sketch from her—just not a portrait since she doesn't do those," Irin smiled.

"So I have to wait until tomorrow?" I sighed.

"Exactly," she replied. "And don't talk to her today. Surprise her by showing up at her booth tomorrow." She winked before leaving my room.

a/n: This is my last draft 🥲 And I will be very busy because classes will start soon. You guys won't mind if I update only on my free time, right? But once, I finished one chappy, I'll update it right away. Please, have patience with your author. I love you all hehe. Mumu 😚✨

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