Chapter 42

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"Don't even think about doing something to make me angry again. If I catch you hanging out with someone else, I'll kill you."

"Another death threat, huh?" Nam asked, grabbing the paper from my hand. "This person seriously gives me the creeps. They act like they own you. This is the seventh time you've gotten one. Are you seriously going to let it slide again?"

"Well, they can't exactly harm me if I'm holed up in my studio, can they?" I said with a smirk.

It's been five years since I decided to chase my dreams. Becoming a painter, photographer, and illustrator was my thing. I got my dad to pitch in for a studio to kickstart my career, and luckily, with Nam's help—she's the awesome lady I met while I was job hunting—it all worked out.

After graduating, I aimed for independence and soaked up life while waiting for, you know, that certain someone.

I've had zero contact with her since that day. Even though her family's big shots in England and they've got their hands in a bunch of businesses, they keep things low-key. Maybe that's why Becky never flaunted her wealth during her studies.

"Freen, this whole situation might just send you to an early grave." Nam rolled her eyes. "What if you spill the beans to your fiancé again? Perhaps, he can help you this time."

Wait, fiancé? Do I even have one?

Seng and I were supposedly engaged because our parents set it up. But honestly, I never agreed to my mom's marriage plan. I kept away from Becky just so she wouldn't get sucked into my messy life.

Seng's sometimes keen on meeting up, but I always feed him excuses about being busy. So he ends up showing up at my studio to check. It's suffocating, but there's nothing I can do to make him back off.

I've tried talking to my folks multiple times, telling them to call off this whole thing they've got cooking between me and Seng, but they're not having it.

I nearly reached a point where I wished I could just disappear to avoid all the drama. But then I remember her—the person I've been waiting on for years. She's the only reason I'm keeping on. I'm not hoping on her coming back into my life, but I want to see her. Curious if she became the lawyer she always wanted to be, fighting for justice and all that.

"I don't have a fiancé, and I definitely don't need a lawyer, Nam. They're all the same. I'd rather stay cooped up in my studio, safe and sound." I wiggled my eyebrows and chuckled.

But deep down, I'm wondering too. Who the heck would send me death threats when I'm not even that famous? When the first threat came in, I quit photography gigs to avoid being out in the open. Now, all I've got going on is painting and illustrating.

"But this is a big deal, Freen!" Nam exclaimed. "I'm taking you to the best law firm I know!" She grabbed my hand and yanked me out the door.

We drove over to the law firm she's talking about, and my eyebrows shot up when I saw who's running the show.

Uareksit. Nat Uareksit runs the place, and it's no wonder his firm's got a rep—it's in his blood.

"I heard this place is packed with hot guys," Nam commented, laughing a bit. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"I don't need a guy lawyer, Nam. Remember what happened last time? I had to deal with that guy's harassment." I explained.

When the first threat showed up, Seng had a lawyer sent my way because I practically begged my family to sort things out. But that lawyer turned out to be a creep, insinuating he'd only help if I got cozy with him. Seriously, who does that? I could've paid him double, but there's no way my body's part of any deal.

"Alright, let's do it your way. We're hunting down a kickass lady lawyer for you." Nam grinned and pulled me into the law firm.

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