Chapter 36

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Another new day dawned, and once again, there was someone I couldn't help but feel a little envious of. Why? Because Prof. Kim just dropped a bombshell – a VIP guest was coming to our school, and they chose none other than Sarocha Chankimha to be the guide. Seriously? My girl is already swamped with her studies, and now they want spare time from Freen when Freen hasn't even had a moment for me lately?

"Why the long face over there? Missing those chicken dishes?" Irin teased, spotting me staring at Freen and the guy in the cafeteria. "Jealous much? Oh come on, that's Heng Asavarid. You're in the dark about him?"

"I couldn't care less who he is. If he keeps on getting close to my girl, he'll be in for some serious trouble," I grumbled, my gaze fixed on them.

"That's the President's son, Armstrong. An international grad student. Smart, loaded, and a total oppa!" Irin giggled, sliding in next to me.

"Oppa?" I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not interested in him, Irin. Spare me the details. I just want him to back off from my girlfriend."

"Freen is practically a celebrity on this campus. It's no wonder people want to meet her in person." Irin shrugged.

"Why do you make it sound like I'm to blame for feeling jealous?" I shot back.

"Because you're the one who fell for her. There's a whole line of admirers, and you willingly joined the queue. So, if you're feeling jealous now, suck it up." She shook her head and dug into her food.

My eyes remained glued to them as Heng continued flashing that charming smile at Freen. She looked exhausted, but she was still managing to entertain that guest.


Classes done for the day, I decided to unwind in my room. Exams were looming, but I couldn't concentrate with images of Freen and Heng dancing in my head. Should I just ask Freen if their meeting was over? Prof. Kim did say this tour would take a couple of days. But then, she might be resting now, and I didn't want to disturb her.

Should I shoot her a text?

I grabbed my phone and typed a message to Freen.

"Hey gorgeous, feeling tired? Wish you were here. I miss you."

With a sly grin, I hit send. She'd surely appreciate that. Barely a moment passed before my phone buzzed, and Freen's name popped up on the screen.

"Missing me, huh?" she rasped.

"Yep, like crazy. You've been MIA lately," I replied.

"Well, open your door," she instructed.

"What?" I blinked, confused.

"Open your door. I'm outside."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head, and I rushed to the door. Freen stood there with bags in her hands.

Quickly scanning the hallway, I pulled her into my room. After shutting the door, I held her in a tight embrace, burying my face in her neck.

God, I missed her scent. It's so addicting.

"You really did miss me," she chuckled, running her fingers through my hair.

I reluctantly pulled away and saw the food she brought – chicken and milk tea. How did she know I was craving this?

"Weren't you busy?" I asked as I prepared the food.

"I wrapped up all my school stuff earlier to make it here," she replied, poking a straw into my milk tea and handing it to me. "Big exams tomorrow, huh?" She noticed the textbook on my bed.

"Yep, finals are looming. Gotta review to keep my scholarship intact. Can't afford to lose it." I explained.

Freen laughed softly. "I can't fathom your drive sometimes. You've got your family's support, right?"

"I'm doing this for my own independence. Can't rely on them forever," I said between bites.

"We're polar opposites, you know. I'm tied to my parents. Dependence is my middle name. I'm not sure I'd make it without them," she sighed. "You know, I'd rather die than be a failure. That's what's been weighing on me lately." Freen managed a faint smile.

"You're scared of failing?" I asked. "Your success or failure is up to you. If you give up, you lose. You've heard the saying, fall seven times, stand up eight?" I grinned, ruffling her hair.

We finished eating, and after I freshened up, I caught Freen on the phone, talking to someone.

"Yes, sir. I'll be there at 7 in the morning tomorrow." Freen smiled sadly and sighed when she hung up.

Busy tomorrow?

Freen nodded slowly, and she came over for a hug. Taking a deep breath, she untied the ribbon on my robe, causing me to step back.

"What's going on?" I questioned, quickly retying the ribbon.

"Nothing," she said, taking my hand.

Expecting a hug, I was taken aback when she gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I've had such a tiring day. Thanks for being with me tonight," Freen smiled sweetly, glancing at my lips again. "You know, you have really nice lips?"

"Whatever you're scheming, we can't tonight. Exams for me, your tour for you. So, let's be good," I advised.

Freen chuckled, agreeing. "Fine. But once we're free, I'm all yours."

"Sure thing, I'll hold on to that," I smirked.

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