Chapter 12

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The next morning started off smoothly. Wondering what happened after my pursuit of Freen yesterday? Well, nothing much. I decided not to chase her, since she hid somewhere I wasn't keen on searching.

"So, whatever comes our way, let's keep fighting, alright?" I addressed the kids who were hanging on my every word.

A girl eagerly raised her hand, looking at me as if I held some kind of spell over her.

"Can I ask something?" she inquired. "How come you're so stunning without being wealthy?"

I chuckled at the question and offered a warm smile. I walked closer to her and sat down to be at her eye level. I noticed several scars on her body, their origins a mystery to me.

"Being beautiful doesn't require wealth, sweetheart," I reassured her, gently caressing her cheek.

"But most people at our school avoid looking at me because I feel so ugly," she admitted, lowering her head.

"You're not ugly, my dear. And you know what? True beauty isn't on the outside. It's what's inside you," I pointed to her heart, and her face brightened with a smile. "And remember this: someone once told me that if you can't hold someone's gaze for more than a few seconds, it might mean they're fond of you." I turned to Freen, and she responded with a smile.

"Thanks, Ms. Armstrong," the girl beamed, giving me a hug that I returned with warmth.

For some reason, I find immense joy in seeing people smile, especially when I'm the reason behind it.

After the talk, I strolled over to the seashore to bask in the beauty of the sea. The soothing breeze against my skin was incredibly relaxing.

"Why didn't you search for me yesterday?" Freen's voice interrupted my thoughts. She stood nearby, arms crossed, and a questioning look on her face.

"Why would I go looking for you? You're not exactly a top priority," I replied nonchalantly, gazing out at the sea once more.

"I was cooped up inside that box for hours, Armstrong!" she exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow, meeting her gaze. "So what? Did I ask you to hide in there?"

Freen rolled her eyes at my response, but she didn't storm off. Instead, she remained standing beside me, heaving a sigh.

"Hey, beautiful ladies," a boy's voice called out, catching our attention. He handed us each a bouquet of flowers.

Freen accepted the flowers with a smile, and I grinned while tousling the boy's hair.

"You two make a great pair," he remarked playfully, giggling.

"We're both girls, sweetie," Freen reminded him. "Society might not always see it as appropriate."

"Why?" I arched an eyebrow. "Love is love, no matter the gender. There are no boundaries to true affection."

"Miss beautiful is right," the boy chimed in, taking my hand. "Love is love, plain and simple. No ifs or buts about it."

Freen let out a sigh and conceded defeat by walking away.

I turned to the boy, who was sporting an ear-to-ear grin. "She's in denial, miss beautiful. She's got a soft spot for you," he giggled.

"What makes you say that?" I inquired.

"The way she was looking at you while you spoke earlier—there was something different in her eyes. A sparkle. She was trying to hide a smile, like she had something to say but couldn't, because of everyone around," the boy explained.

"And just because she looked at me like that, you think she likes me?" I chuckled at his conclusion.

"I thought you were a genius?" the boy teased, making a face.

Apparently, I was at fault for not decoding Freen's feelings.

"That's how my parents used to look at each other before. Anyway, I've got to run. I need to deliver these flowers to others," the boy said, waving goodbye.

As I headed toward my room, a voice called out my name, prompting an eye roll from me.

What now? I've been talking all day—my mouth needs a break! Who would have thought they'd pick an introvert to be a motivational speaker? And now they want me to socialize too?

"Come here, Armstrong. A VIP wants to have a word with you," Prof. Kim announced, placing his hands on my shoulders as he guided me to an important guest.

"Your timing makes it feel like you're selling my soul, Prof.," I quipped, earning a wink from him and another eye roll from me.

We finally arrived, and there sat a young man in a suit engaged in conversation with the University President. Prof. Kim cleared his throat and motioned for me to join them.

Honestly, I hadn't met this guy before, and I wasn't exactly thrilled to make his acquaintance. What was up with his face lighting up as soon as he saw me? Seriously, what the heck?

"Ms. Armstrong, this is Mr. Nat Uareksit. He's the son of Mr. Nate, who owns the law firm near the university," Prof. Kim introduced, and Nat stood up, extending his hand. I merely stared at him.

"Are you studying law as well?" I asked.

Laughter erupted, including from Nat, although I maintained my poker face. If he couldn't contribute to my legal pursuits, what was the point of connecting with him?

"Ms. Armstrong must be wondering why I called her here," Nat began, chuckling awkwardly.

If I wasn't mistaken, he appeared just a year older than me.

"Yeah, I was all set to relax when Prof. Kim decided to summon me," I responded with politeness, though my words carried a touch of sarcasm.

"My father wants to offer you a job. To be my personal tutor. We'll pay ten times what Ms. Chankimha offered," he said, his smile sweet as he awaited my reply.

"Think I'm motivated by money?" I raised an eyebrow.

Nat exchanged a perplexed look with Prof. Kim. It seemed he'd been convinced that I'd cave at the sight of a handsome payment.

"You read me well," I conceded, shaking his hand. "I'm open to being your personal tutor, provided you meet my conditions and fees. If not, then consider our deal null and void." A half-smile played on my lips as I excused myself.

Despite my reservations about his vibe, I needed to accept the offer. It was also a way to avoid Chankimha, who had started to grate on my nerves lately.


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