Chapter 40

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The entire school break flew by, but Freen didn't reach out to me. Not even once. I found myself questioning if she still remembered me, but I needed to uncover the truth from her.

Irin cautioned me not to hold onto the hope that Freen would reconnect once the new semester started, but against her advice, I did just that. Unfortunately, Irin's prediction proved accurate. Even though we shared the same campus, Freen avoided me as if we were strangers. It was like she had purposely distanced herself.

I attempted to visit Freen in her room, only to be told that she wasn't staying in the dorms anymore. She seemed to be avoiding me like someone trying to evade capture.

Even when I sat in the cafeteria with Irin beside me, I couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness. My mind kept looping back to the question of why Freen had suddenly vanished from my life.

"Becky, you need to eat," Irin gently nudged me, concern in her eyes.

I glanced at my food, but my appetite had abandoned me. It was as if I couldn't bring myself to take a bite, to chew. The ache inside me was overwhelming, and before I knew it, my eyes were welling up with tears.

Gosh, I missed Freen so terribly. I yearned to have a conversation with her. I just needed her to explain and tell me it was all forced upon her.

"Becky," Irin said softly, placing a hand on my back and causing my tears to flow even more freely.

I couldn't stay in the cafeteria any longer. I rushed out, not caring about the curious glances from others who saw me crying. My heart ached with every step I took. All I could think about was how much I wanted to see Freen again.

Before I could shut myself in my room, Irin entered. She gestured for me to sit on the bed, her expression understanding.

"It's going to be alright. Things will get better," she reassured me, though my tears showed no sign of stopping.

"Why?" I managed to ask amidst hiccups. "Why did she do this? Were the rumors true?"

Irin wiped away my tears and let out a sigh. "Well, there are actually a bunch of videos online. I didn't know how to approach you about it, so I didn't bring it up."

"What videos?" I inquired.

"Freen and Seng are a real couple, Becky. Prof. Kim gave her the gig as a host. So it seems like she doesn't need you anymore," Irin explained, showing me her phone. "Here, take a look."

The video clip featured Freen and Seng outside her room. He had her pinned against the wall, and then he leaned in for a kiss. My world shattered when Freen responded with a smile.

"So, what do you say? It's a win-win, right?" Seng said. "Since you played your part in our bet, I owe you a million bucks."

Freen grinned, and the video ended.

Though the footage wasn't crystal clear, it provided all the answers I needed.

Freen had manipulated me into being the host, as a means to shed her reputation of being homophobic and to secure a ridiculous amount of money from Seng.

They had been a couple all along, which meant Seng was confident Freen would choose him even if I were in the picture.

I had been utterly duped by them. I was just a pawn in their elaborate game to achieve their desires.

"I think you should confront Freen," Irin suggested.

"No need. I've got my answers," I responded, forcing a bitter smile. "You can go now, Irin. I'll be alright."

With a concerned look, Irin left the room, disappearing from my view. That's when I allowed myself to break down, crying harder than I ever had before. I had never felt pain like this. I used to be strong and unbreakable, but Freen had changed me. She had taught me to open up and trust, only to betray me in the end. How had she managed it, considering I had only ever shown her my true, unguarded feelings?

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now