Chapter 43

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As soon as we stepped into the law firm, I spotted Nat in his sharp suit. His eyes widened when he laid eyes on me.

"Freen?" Nat's disbelief was clear. "What brings you here?"

"Hey, Mr. Uareksit. We've got something to discuss," Nam chimed in, and Nat nodded, a sign that they already knew each other.

Guiding us to his office, Nat motioned for us to take a seat on the couch. He glanced at his watch, probably rushing to somewhere else, but duty called - we were his clients after all.

"I reached out earlier when my friend got her seventh death threat. We're hoping one of your lady lawyers could assist," Nam explained directly.

"Lady? All my lawyers are male," Nat sighed, then turned his attention to me. "Would you mind sharing why you're specifically looking for a lady lawyer?"

"It's kinda personal, sorry," I averted my gaze. "If you don't have one available, we'll just go." I stood up, but Nam halted me.

"Stay put, Freen. We can trust this law firm," she assured me.

"I actually have a lady lawyer, and she should be joining us any minute now. Once she's here, I'll introduce you," Nat said with a smile, a hint of confusion in his expression. "But I have a feeling you might already know her."

The door swung open, revealing two girls. The first one had a simple style, though her face resembled that of a model. Despite the gray shirt and trousers she wore, she rocked the look.

Behind her was none other than Becky. She looked sophisticated in her black suit, hair neatly tied in a bun. Even though her face seemed weary, she met my gaze without a smile.

"Apologies for being late. What's happening here?" the girl in gray asked, her arm around Becky's waist. "If you're with a client, we can come back."

"Oh no, they're here for Becca, Friend," Nat clarified, standing up to usher them to seats across from us.

"In that case, I'll leave," Friend said, getting up. Yet, Becky held her hand, shaking her head - the same pleading expression she had worn when she urged me to hide my feelings.

"This is a serious matter, Rebecca. She needs to stay outside," Nat intervened, and Becky nodded, her gratitude evident.

With a reassuring pat on Becky's shoulder, Friend left the room. Becky's gentle smile conveyed her appreciation for Friend's support.

Was there more to their relationship than met the eye?

"Rebecca, meet Sarocha Chankimha. She's your first client. She's been receiving multiple death threats at her home. You know the drill, right?" Nat turned to Becky.

Becky turned to me, extending her hand. "Rebecca Armstrong. Would you prefer discussing your case here or somewhere more private?" she asked.

Nam nodded, nudging me to go with Becky. I followed her lead. Nat gestured for Becky to lead me into another room within the office, and she kindly offered me a seat.

"Could you show me the death threats?" Becky inquired, sounding every bit the professional.

I displayed the letters, watching as Becky read through them one by one. She licked her lips, tilting her head in concentration.

"Besides these threats, have you encountered any defamatory remarks?" she asked.

"None," I replied.

"Has anyone else found out about these threats?" she probed.

"My parents and-" I hesitated. What place did Seng have in all this, anyway? "My..."

"Your husband?" she suggested. "It's alright, you can tell me."

"Fiancé," I clarified.

"Got it," she acknowledged.

Becky proceeded to outline the steps I should take and those I shouldn't. If another threat arrived, I was to inform her first, not my family, due to some unknown reason.

"That's all the help I can offer for now. But I promise we'll track down the culprit and bring you some peace of mind," she reassured with a warm smile.

"How are you holding up?" I ventured, my heart racing.

"That's not part of my job," she excused herself, exiting the room.

I understood. Maybe she was here for her own shot at peace. But when she returned, her eyes met mine once more. It must have been a difficult moment for her.

I'm sorry, Becky. If meeting me is your worst nightmare.

a/n: I didn't if I should be happy with my sched. 7am - 7pm class is so tiringggg. Please bare with me for a while. Lovelots!

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