Chapter 10

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Mr. and Mrs. Chankimha surprised me with a laptop for my studies. I didn't really need one, but I accepted it because going back and forth to rent a laptop at the university was exhausting. They also talked to Freen about what she saw. Freen didn't apologize for her behavior, but I let it go.

Back at EHU, I focused on my studies and didn't message Freen, nor did she message me. Oddly enough, I still had her ID, even though we never talked. Prof. Kim had given it to me just in case I needed to find her.

In our second year of school, the cheerleading competition in other universities started. Freen was too busy to come back for two months, and I wondered if she still knew anything about law. We didn't have a chance to talk whenever she visited the university, and I was pretty occupied with my own stuff too.

I told Mr. Chankimha that I'd start tutoring Freen again when everything settled down.

"Your brother didn't reply to any of my messages," Irin said, covering her face with a book. "Does he have a girlfriend already?" she asked.

Shaking my head, I was engrossed in reading a book. This was our daily routine in room 205 because it was quieter than other places on campus.

"He asked me to tell you not to message him anymore because he's busy," I replied, biting the tip of my pen while struggling to understand a case study.

"So, there's no chance I can be your sister-in-law?" Irin pouted and clung to my arms.

I gently removed her hands and handed her the book I was reading.

"Forget about daydreaming and help me figure out the right decision in this case," I said, pointing to the problem.

The students outside were making a lot of noise, which made it harder to concentrate. I wondered why they were so loud. Was Richie here again?

"I can't focus," Irin said, looking outside.

I waited for her, and when she returned to her seat beside me, I noticed her eyes were wide with surprise. She quickly tidied her desk and said goodbye.

Confused, I glanced at the door. Suddenly, Freen appeared wearing her cheerleading uniform—a crop top and skirt—that looked a bit too revealing.

I took off my vest and handed it to her, squinting in disapproval.

"Why is she dressed like that? Are those their uniforms? It's so small, and her tattoo is visible," I thought.

Freen sat in front of me and glanced at the books I was reading. She rolled her eyes and turned to me, handing over a paper bag full of goodies from the city where the competition took place.

I hadn't realized the competition was yesterday; I had been too focused on my studies.

"My mom wanted me to bring these for you," she said. "It's an apology for my behavior last time."

"I don't need them. Keep it," I said, returning the paper bag and burying myself in my books.

"Are you rejecting my mom's gift?" she asked, sounding frustrated.

"If you want me to accept your gift or your mom's gift, at least wear something that covers your body. Everyone is staring at you!" I scolded.

Freen looked around, and the students dispersed when she gave them a glare. She sighed and adjusted my vest to cover herself up more.

"Are you happy now?" she asked. "Take these pastries, they're really good," she said, offering me the paper bag again.

"Is this really from your mom, or is it yours?" I asked, giving her a blank look.

"I bought them with my mom's money," she replied, avoiding eye contact. "You know I'm still studying and don't earn money like you do."

I sighed and nodded. "Thank you."

Freen looked at me with wide eyes. "Did you just say thank you?" she asked in disbelief, even checking my forehead to see if I had a fever.

"What did you expect me to say?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. "Gracias, mocosa? (Thank you, snotty girl?)"

Freen rolled her eyes and got up. "I'll return your vest later."

"Keep it. I don't need it anymore," I said, focusing on the case study I still needed to answer.

"Whatever!" she yelled before storming out.

"Such a brat," I muttered, shaking my head.

a/n: I have a lot in my plate right now. Sorry.  I'll try to update more soon. I just need to finish our Constitution and By-Laws first.

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