Chapter 20

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I've been devouring novels lately, but there's this quote from Jack London that has me puzzled: "To be able to forget means sanity." So, what if I can't shake off what happened last night? What if it just sticks in my memory? Does that mean I'm losing it, going mad or something?

"Earth to Becky!" Irin waved her fingers in front of me, snapping me back from my daydream.

"Huh? What's up?" I asked, refocusing my attention on her. My mind's been wandering, thanks to what went down last night.

I let Freen sleep, she had way too much to drink and needed to recover. Right now, I'm chilling with Irin in room 205, trying to read something.

"Why'd you bail on the party last night? Weren't you and Freen invited?" she inquired.

"Uh, well..." I scratched my neck, feeling kinda awkward. "I was worried my feet would be killing me again, so I decided to skip it."

"What about Freen then? You two are roomies, right? Sleeping together?" Irin probed, raising an eyebrow.

"We're just roommates, not that other thing. We're just sleeping as in sleeping." I defended with a shake of my hands. I tried to explain what I meant.

"I get it, no worries." Irin frowned, puzzled. "I meant like, just sleeping, you know?"

"Really?" I asked with an awkward chuckle.

"You're spacing out again. Spill, what went down last night? Tell me the real deal," she pushed, her brows furrowing.

"Why spill to you? You're not my mom," I retorted, sticking my tongue out playfully.

Irin smirked and gave me a doubtful look. "Spill or no more snack-sharing for a week."

Rolling my eyes, I gave in. "Alright, fine. We... um, kissed," I confessed, signaling her to keep it down. Irin couldn't hold back her excitement, and her silent giggles were a dead giveaway. She wanted to know how it went.

"She was totally wasted, didn't even realize," I lied. It's too obvious, goodness gracious.

Irin's face shifted, and she smacked my arm, making me groan.

"Why'd you do it if she was sloshed, you dork?" she scolded.

"Hey, I wasn't the instigator!" I defended.

Irin got it. We went back to reading, until a bunch of girls trooped past, blocking out the sunlight.

"Coach is looking for you," one of the cheerleaders informed me. Her uniform gave it away.

I got up, telling Irin I'd be back. I could tell these girls weren't exactly my biggest fans. They marched ahead, oblivious if I trailed behind.

In the distance, I spotted a room with a teacher and a girl in white standing there.

My eyes widened when I realized who it was.

"Freen?" I blurted as I entered.

Dressed in a guy's outfit, she looked incredibly attractive. She turned, giving me a subtle nod to join her.

Everyone else was seated, and I didn't have a spot. It was all girls, no chance of grabbing a chair.

"Sit on me," Freen offered, extending her hand for me to perch on her lap.

With her chin on my shoulder, I struggled to focus on the meeting.

Why did she suddenly switch things up? Wasn't she all about dresses? Why did she make me feel so... girly seeing her in that polo and trousers? Ugh!

After the meeting, I got up quickly, causing Freen's eyebrows to knit in confusion.

The girls and the coach cleared out, leaving us alone. Freen didn't speak, just stared at me.

"Why the surprised look?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Nah, nothing. You good now?" I inquired.

"Yeah, Seng hooked me up with some mushroom soup earlier," Freen replied.

I chuckled at the image. "Why'd he do that to his own kin?" I mused aloud.

"What?" Freen quirked a brow.

Oops, did I just say that out loud?

I shook my head, grinning at her. Her brows furrowed deeper.

"You look stunning when you smile," Freen complimented. "Do it more often." She playfully pinched my cheeks.

Freen took my hand, guiding me out of the room. As we strolled back to the dorm, a thought popped into my head.

"So, what's the deal with you and Satan?" I asked. "I mean Saefan. Like, is there something romantic?"

"Deal? You mean, like a relationship?" she questioned. "Nah, nothing like that. We're just hanging out, no labels. Do we even need labels?" Freen chuckled, leading the way into the room.

Freen helped me move my stuff out since my feet were all better. I caught a glimpse of her sketchbook again, but I resisted the urge to snoop. I'll wait for her to show me, I guess.

But when's that gonna be, huh?

"It's kinda sad to go back to sleeping alone. Thanks, Armstrong, for keeping me company," Freen smiled, placing my bags down and excusing herself.

She didn't remember. Didn't recall the kiss. And you know what? That's totally cool with me. I guess.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now