Chapter 11

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I never regretted being intelligent until now. Professor Kim asked me to volunteer for an event happening outside the school. They want me to speak in front of the people there as a motivational speaker.

I couldn't even motivate myself, so how can I motivate others, right?

In frustration, I messed up my hair because I couldn't turn down the request. I'm a scholar, and they're the ones paying my tuition, so I have to do it.

"Why do you look frustrated?" Irin asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

We're in my dorm room, and I forgot that I gave her a key.

"Professor Kim wants me to join the event later outside the school. He wants me to be a motivational speaker," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm still reading some cases here."

"Oh, but you can't decline it, right? Why aren't you preparing yet?" she asked.

"I don't want to go, isn't it obvious? Why don't they just give up if they ran out of motivational quotes?" I asked, frustrated, and Irin laughed at me.

"You're too cruel, Becky." Irin shook her head while laughing.

"Let's normalize being cruel in this cruel world." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

I looked at my phone and saw Professor Kim's messages, telling me to pack up because we'll stay there for two days and three nights. We'll leave in two hours.

My bag is packed, but I really didn't want to go. Can't I just pretend to be sick? But we have a doctor here. I can't fool them.

"Go on, Becky. Prepare. I'll tell you once there's an upcoming exam." Irin smiled at me and chuckled teasingly.

After two hours of preparing, I went to the front gate where everyone gathered. I am with different professors and school staff.

"Am I the only student?" I asked Professor Kim.

"No, she's just late. Let's wait for her," he replied. "Anyway, you're going to ride with her since the bus is already full. Is it fine, Ms. Armstrong?"

"Who is she?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

Then from afar, I heard a boy pleading while following a girl who was walking in our direction.

"Is that Freen?" I asked and knitted my brows more when I noticed that the boy was giving her a bouquet, but she was ignoring him. "What the heck are they doing?"

"Watch your mouth, Ms. Armstrong." Professor Kim scolded, and I apologized right away.

"Freen, please. I miss you so much. Ever since I lost you, there's no time that I knew joy." The boy begged, making me chuckle at their sight.

"I don't know Joy either. So please, I have to go. Go back to your room!" Freen exclaimed at the boy, and he heartbrokenly nodded.

Professor Kim laughed at them and motioned for Freen to help me carry my bag, but I refused since it's not that heavy.

Freen led me to her car and gestured for me to put my bag behind, and she started the engine.

"Who's the guy? Your ex?" I asked, suppressing my laughter.

"That boy is a high school student, Armstrong." Freen rolled her eyes. She then turned to me and leaned in, causing my eyes to widen, but she only fastened my seatbelt.

Damn, relax, Becky. She's homophobic. She won't do anything to you.

"Then why is he following you? And what does he mean since I lost you?" I laughed hard, teasing her. "I didn't know you like younger guys, huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I don't even know him. When I went to the high school department, he came up to me and started saying nonsense things. He's crazy, okay?" Freen looked straight ahead while driving. She seemed upset now.


When we arrived at the venue where the event will take place, my eyes wandered around.

It wasn't a hotel or something like that. We were at the beach, and there were lots of kids running around. Some were excited to see us, but some were not.

"Where are we exactly?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"My dad donated a big sum of money. So the school wants to share the money with these unfortunate people. Didn't Professor Kim instruct you? That's why you're here, Armstrong." Freen rolled her eyes and helped the staff carry the boxes of goods.

"So, you mean I am here to be their motivational speaker because I am also unfortunate?" I scoffed.

"I don't know if you're really a genius," Freen replied and shook her head in disappointment.

I helped Freen and the staff carry the boxes, and once we were done, Professor Kim asked us to wander since the real event will be tomorrow morning. So, I decided to watch the sunset for a while.

I crossed my arms over my chest and admired the sunset. It was so beautiful. The people living here aren't that unfortunate. They can see this serene scene every afternoon. I envied them.

"You like sunsets?" Freen asked and stood next to me.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked and rolled my eyes.

Someone ruined my momentum now. I want to go now.

"Not because you're staring intently at something, doesn't mean you like them." Freen mentioned.

"So what are you trying to tell me?" I asked and turned to her, but she was looking at the sunset.

"Sometimes the real thing you like is something you can't look in the eyes. You can't look at them for more than a few seconds." Freen chuckled but still didn't look at me.

"You're not getting to the point, Freen. You're weird," I said and rolled my eyes once again.

"I'm not weird," she said and turned to me. "You're just dumb." She flicked my forehead, causing me to groan in pain.

"What the heck?" I asked in frustration.

Freen ran immediately, and I chased her. Damn you, Chankimha. Once I catch you, I'll flick every part of your face!

a/n: I'm going to SM Megamall today, so this will be my one and only update for today. Thank you! ❤️

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