Chapter 38

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Freen told a lie, and things changed between us. Our conversations became limited to phone calls, and she seemed different, more distant than before.

As the first semester ended, everyone was heading back to their families. Freen was among those students who went home to her parents. She had mentioned that she couldn't imagine life without them, as they had cared for her since she was young. Growing up under their guidance made it tough for her to step out of her comfort zone. She had the willingness to do so eventually, just not right now.

Today, I tried calling her, but she didn't answer. I guessed she was spending time with her parents again. Feeling a bit bored, my brother Richie showed up to rescue me from my restlessness.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Richie asked as we sat in his car.

"Nothing much. Just trying to shake off this boredom. Feels like I've been studying forever," I replied.

Richie chuckled. "I've noticed that too." He started driving.

"Have I been a bookworm since I was little?" I wondered aloud.

"Absolutely," he affirmed. "I remember the first time you learned to read. You sneaked into Dad's library and grabbed a book from the 'off-limits' shelf. Luckily, before you stumbled upon some rated-18 scene, Dad caught you and confiscated the book." Richie laughed.

"That's not exactly how it went," I retorted. "You're just teasing me."

"I swear it's true. Check with Dad and Mom if you don't believe me." Richie chuckled.

Thinking of them made me miss my parents. It had been years since I'd seen them, and I longed to embrace them. However, I couldn't just hop over to England right now. I had promised myself that once I graduated, I'd head there and spend some time with them.

"Let's start at the mall and then hit the amusement park. Sound good?" Richie proposed.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged.

We went shopping for dorm supplies at the mall. Richie insisted on replacing my old things, considering them 'second-hand'. Fair point, but since I'd be a senior soon, I asked him not to splurge since I'd be heading back to England after graduation.

Afterwards, we grabbed a meal at a restaurant. I noticed some people giving us curious looks, probably assuming Richie and I were a couple due to his affectionate gestures. He even wiped off sauce from my lips.

"Seriously, Richie, you're treating me like a toddler," I teased.

"I just miss my little princess," he said with a smile. "It's been forever since we had a sibling outing like this. I used to be so busy. But now, I'm all yours whenever you want."

"Don't you want a girlfriend though?" I asked.

"Soon enough. Just a few things I need to handle first," he replied, motioning for me to continue eating.

With our stomachs full, Richie took me to an amusement park. We tackled daring rides, and when exhaustion finally caught up with us, I sat down on a bench to rest.

"Isn't that Freen?" Richie pointed out, ready to call her over, but I stopped him. "Why not? Are you thinking she's on a date?"

"Yeah, we shouldn't disturb them," I suggested, managing a fake smile.

"I kind of feel sorry for Freen," Richie remarked. "Isn't she a junior like you? Yet her parents just announced that she'll be marrying her boyfriend after graduation." He shook his head. "She's missing out on enjoying life before tying the knot."

"She's agreeing to marry that guy?" I asked, disbelief evident in my tone.

"Not sure. She wasn't at the announcement event. I just heard about it. Sadly, it's not uncommon in our world, Becky. We're lucky Dad and Mom aren't pushing us like that." Richie sighed.

"So, she has to get married even if she's not ready?" I inquired.

"Yeah, for money, for fame. That's how this industry works, Becky. It's a far cry from the love stories you're always reading. Love doesn't win every time," he said, patting my shoulder.

Richie dropped me off at my dorm, then headed back to his hotel as he had an early flight the next day.

Feeling compelled, I called Freen to discuss what I'd heard. She finally picked up after a few attempts.

"Hello?" I greeted her.

"Hey there. Miss me?" she replied, though her tone felt oddly sarcastic.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"In my room."

"Really?" I pressed. Why lie again?

"Yep. Feeling tired, babe. Think I'm gonna hit the hay." Freen faked a yawn and hung up.

So, she didn't want to open up, huh? Was it that hard to admit she was being forced into something? Or maybe she agreed willingly, forgetting about me.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now