Chapter 27

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The next morning, I woke up to a voice message from Freen. I grinned as I prepared to listen.

"Hey there, Beccaaaa~ I know you're probably still snoozing, but I wanted to send you this before I take off. Off to Singapore today! Remember, I'm not sure when I'll be back. Don't even think about replacing me with another sister figure, got it? Or else, you might face my imaginary wrath. Haha, just kidding. Take care, and catch you on the flip side. Love ya, Beccaaaa~"

I responded with a like emoji and hopped out of bed to get ready for my classes. I wondered how she'd manage to make up for all the missed classes.

Throughout the day, I paid close attention in class. Irin let me know that she wouldn't be available for dinner due to a packed schedule. So, I headed to the cafeteria early.

Surprisingly, Freen called again, making me chuckle. Wasn't she supposed to be busy?

"Hey," I greeted, propping my chin on my hand as I looked at the screen.

Freen smiled back and shifted her camera view to show me the sunset by the sea.

My grin widened as she moved her camera around, sharing the breathtaking view with me.

"You're a fan of sunsets, right?" she asked, focusing her camera back on her face.

"Thanks," I replied, touched by her gesture.

It struck me that the last time I saw a sunset by the sea was during that event we attended. After that, life got so busy that I forgot to take a breather.

"I paused for a moment here just to call you. Figured you'd appreciate the sunset. Hope it brightens your day a little," Freen said with a giggle.

Man, how could I not be head over heels for this girl?

"Have you had dinner yet?" I inquired.

"Later. I'm waiting for the moon now," she replied.

"Why's that?" I asked, curious.

"The moon's beautiful tonight," she whispered, her gaze fixed on the horizon. She gave me another glimpse of the serene scene.

But, truth be told, Freen, you outshine even the prettiest of sunsets.

"Grab a bite first. The moon can wait, don't skip meals," I advised her.

"Alright, alright," she agreed playfully, waving goodbye. "Love you, sis."

I nodded slowly, watching as she ended the call. My surprise grew when I looked up and saw Nat standing there, tray of food in hand.

"Can I join you?" he asked.

"Sure thing. But can I ask why?" I raised an eyebrow. "Where are your pals? Aren't you hanging out with them?"

Nat scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish. "They don't know I've been taking lessons from you," he confessed, chuckling.

"But our tutoring's done, remember? The last lesson was earlier today," I reminded him.

"Well, you see..." Nat sighed. "I'm here for a favor."

"About what?" I leaned forward, intrigued. "More lessons? Different subject?"

He shook his head, his expression changing. "No, it's not that. I'm here to find out... if you're seeing someone."

A pause hung in the air. I wasn't clueless, but I hadn't expected him to come right out and ask. I saw where this was headed, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"I'm into someone," I confessed, meeting his gaze.

"Freen?" Nat ventured.

My heart raced, but I denied it. Was I that transparent?

"She's like a sister to me, you goof." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I know where you're going with this, but—"

"Could you give me a chance?" Nat pleaded. "I can show you I'm worth it, Becky." He reached for my hand, but I pulled back gently.

"I'm sorry, Nat. But I don't want to lead you on," I explained.

"Who's the lucky guy, then? Is he really better for you?" Nat sighed, a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Can't you just give me one shot? Please?"

"Even if you prove yourself, my heart's already spoken for. You're putting yourself through unnecessary heartache, Nat." I let him down gently, rising from my seat. "Excuse me," I excused myself, quickly texting Irin that I was on my way to her room.


"So, what happened next?" Irin inquired after I recounted Nat's confession.

"I left him there," I shrugged.

"Wait, you didn't drop the classic 'you deserve someone better than me' line?" Irin raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I say that when I am the best choice?" I shot back, a touch puzzled.

"Wow, your self-confidence is on another level, Rebecca." Irin rolled her eyes. "Anyway, if you're rejecting him, are you sure it's because you don't like him?"

"Irin, I'm gay. I'm into girls," I reminded her, rolling my eyes in return. I flopped onto her bed.

"Is that the only reason? No other interests?" she prodded. "People often reject others because they're waiting for someone or already dealing with someone else. In your case, I don't think it's just about him being a guy." Irin scrutinized me with a curious gaze.

"Why the intense scrutiny?" I grumbled.

"Alright, time for some truth, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. Are you in love with someone?" Irin prodded further.

I chuckled at her question. "Where did that come from?"

"Because you've gone from zero to hero in the happiness department. You're talking more, laughing, and you're glued to your phone now. Spill it, Becky. Who's the mystery person putting that smile on your face?" Irin pounced on me.

"Off me!" I laughed, pushing her away.

"Tell me, you goofball!" Irin giggled, playfully yanking me back onto the bed.

"Alright, alright, I'll spill!" I laughed along with her.

Irin settled back on the bed, eagerly waiting for me to continue.

"She's smart, gorgeous, well-off, and..." I trailed off, sighing.

"And?" Irin prodded again, waiting for the next detail.

"She's homophobic."


She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now