Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning, confused about what had happened the night before. Freen wasn't beside me, and she had been avoiding me ever since. We didn't always need to be talking, but after that night, she seemed to want nothing to do with me.

Once, I spotted her in the library, but she wouldn't even make eye contact or say hi like she used to. She looked really down that day, and she acted like she didn't know me, even though people around her greeted me.

I had no idea what I did wrong that night, and it left me curious. Was it a mistake to help her with her wounds? Build a bonfire to keep her warm? Let her sleep in my tent?

Did I maybe hug her in my sleep? But she always liked cuddling. What had I done?

"You're daydreaming again, Becky," Irin said, snapping me out of my thoughts. She handed me my milk tea. "This is the last time I'm getting your drink from that cafe. It's suffocating in there," she grumbled.

Irin got back to her books as we sat in our usual spot, Room 205, preparing for the upcoming exam. We were almost done with our second year. Time really flew.

"What's up with the cafe?" I asked, taking a sip of my milk tea. "Did someone hit on you again?" I chuckled.

"As if," Irin rolled her eyes. "There's a rumor that Mr. Worrapon got fired. Caught fooling around with a student in a bathroom," she said, shaking her head.

"Mr. Worrapon?" I raised an eyebrow. That name sounded familiar. Wasn't he the professor I saw inside Freen's dorm?

Wait, was Freen the student he was caught with? Is that why she seemed so distant?

"Who's the student?" I asked.

Irin shrugged. "It's a guy. Didn't expect Mr. Worrapon to swing that way. I thought he was into Chankimha, always hanging out with her." Irin clicked her tongue in disapproval.

But wasn't Freen dating him? Did she find out Mr. Worrapon is gay and left her for another guy? What the heck?

Realization hit me like a truck. Freen's odd behavior wasn't about something I did – it was about something I said.

I had told her that not all gay people are like her ex, but now, Mr. Worrapon's actions had hurt her even more. I needed to talk to her, be there for her.

"Where are you going, Becky?" Irin asked, watching me gather my stuff.

"I need to see someone. I'll text you later," I assured her, patting her shoulder before grabbing my bag and heading to Freen's dorm.

I knocked on Freen's door repeatedly, but there was no response. Just as I was about to give up, Freen's voice laced with anger came from inside, telling me to move.

"What are you doing at my door?" she demanded, pushing past me into her room. I didn't give her a chance to close the door as I followed right in.

"I heard about what happened," I told her, pulling her into a hug.

Freen's heart raced, but she didn't pull away. She didn't hug me back, but she didn't push me away either. She stood there, tears soaking my shoulder.

"Talk to me, Armstrong. Help me see that not all gay people are like this," Freen's voice was strained. "Everyone just pretends to care and then leaves you."

I rubbed her back soothingly. "Calm down. You just came across a really bad one."

"Then show me someone different," she challenged.

Freen had no idea that I was gay, and honestly, it didn't matter if she found out. It wasn't my responsibility to tell her, and it didn't change who I am.

"I'll find someone and introduce you," I promised, trying to comfort her.

Freen nodded, finally hugging me back. She rested her head on my shoulder and let her tears flow. My gaze landed on a picture frame of her and Mr. Worrapon.

Clearly, she had genuine feelings for him. He had been her confidant for months, but maybe he did what he did to save face. Being seen with a Chankimha like Freen was probably a big deal. Maybe he couldn't deny his own truth – that he wasn't into girls.

After Freen calmed down, she took a shower, and I brought her some food. I wasn't sure why I was going the extra mile for her when she wasn't a close friend.

Maybe I just wanted to change her outlook. I wanted to help her see that not all gay people are bad, and she had just stumbled upon a terrible one.

As I entered her room, I locked the door behind me. Freen was there, wrapped in a towel. She let it drop without warning, and I quickly averted my eyes.

"Don't play innocent, Becky. We all have bodies," Freen chuckled, sensing my embarrassment.

But she was standing there, naked! My face felt like it was on fire.

"Okay, I'll change now," Freen laughed again, and I heard her footsteps moving away.

I was left there, red-faced and flustered. Did I just accidentally see Freen Sarocha Chankimha naked? What in the world just happened?

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now