Chapter 5

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My tutoring class with Freen was always a disaster; she seemed to dislike me a lot. I couldn't deny finding her cute, even though she kept rolling her eyes at me. Sometimes, I wished she wouldn't do that, but I knew it was a terrible thought. I wanted to gauge her eyes out!

Once I get the chance to prove you wrong, I'll show you, Freen Sarocha! Just wait and see.

"You've been discussing that chapter three times now. Are you sure you know this subject?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"I know it, but you keep answering wrong. Are you having trouble understanding? You're so dumb." I retorted.

I'd had enough for the day. Her constant questioning of my abilities was getting on my nerves.

"What did you call me?" she yelled, standing up. "I'm dumb?"

"Yes," I replied, closing the book forcefully and standing up to face her.

The tension between us escalated, and suddenly there was a knock on the door, breaking the intense atmosphere.

Freen's eyes widened, and she told me to hide, but I didn't know where to go. She pushed me inside her closet and closed it before opening the door.

Why am I even hiding? Damn.

"Hi," Freen greeted a guy with a surprisingly seductive voice, making me grimace.

What the heck? She has that kind of side? Now, I'm really questioning my taste in women. Do I actually like this type of girl? She's letting a guy enter her room even if she's alone. What if that guy does something to her?

"Are you alone?" the guy asked with a husky voice. I couldn't see his face properly, but I could tell he was taller than Freen.

Wait, are they dating?

"I'm with someone; she's inside the closet," Freen answered.

What the actual heck? If she's going to introduce me to him, then why did she hide me here in the first place?

I pushed the closet door and stepped out with knitted brows. Freen chuckled and looked at me with teasing eyes. She was really making fun of me.

"Armstrong, what are you doing here?" the guy asked. When I took a closer look, my eyes widened when I saw who it was.

It was Prof. Worrapon, the youngest professor in EHU. What is he doing in Freen's room? And why do they look so close?

"I'm here to teach Freen business law since she's struggling to understand it," I replied, tidying up the desk.

"Excuse me, Armstrong. You're the one who doesn't know how to teach properly," Freen rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Fine, if I'm not that good, then find someone else to teach you with that attitude of yours!" I shouted, ready to leave the room when she blocked my way. "What?" I asked.

"Why are you leaving?" she asked, confused.

"You told me I'm not a good teacher, so I'm leaving. I quit, Ms. Chankimha," I said, rubbing the words in her face and pushing her away.

I lowered my head at Prof. Worrapon and excused myself. I heard Freen grunting and shouting not to come back.

I'm not coming back, Sarocha. You're the one who's going to beg me to teach you.

As far as I know, no one wants to teach Freen because of her attitude. That's why they took me and offered lots of money.

I can't say no to money though. It's my happiness. If people can't find happiness in money, then they can give it to me. I'll definitely appreciate it.

I went to the library and read books about business law. I did know everything about it, but why can't I teach Freen properly? Or is it just that she's too bored to understand it?

"Why are you here alone? Private class done?" Irin asked in a hushed voice.

I nodded slowly and motioned for her to sit beside me. She was carrying criminal law books and immediately started reading them the moment she sat down.

Looking at Irin, she was so eager to learn every chapter of it. Perhaps it was because she really wanted to do it. People tend to learn everything if they put real effort into it, but in Freen's case, she didn't seem to care about that subject.

"Argh!" I groaned, remembering Freen with Prof. Worrapon a while ago. His hands were on her waist as if they were dating. Were they really dating? But that's wrong. Teachers are supposed to be like second-parents, and if they were dating, that would be totally inappropriate. Like family stroke?

"Ms. Armstrong, observe silence," the librarian reminded me, and I nodded.

"What are you thinking, Becky?" Irin asked, whispering.

"I have a bad feeling that Prof. Worrapon is dating a student," I said.

"What?" Irin asked, covering her mouth. "Since when? And why do you think so?"

"He went to the dorm room of my student a while ago. His hands were on her waist, and the way my student greeted him... it was kinda seductive. Gross," I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue.

"Is your student pretty?" Irin asked.

I tilted my head in thought. "Kind of." I shrugged.

She's so damn pretty, Irin! She's gorgeous! I wanted to say that out loud, but that would make me look like I'm head over heels for Freen.

I promised myself that I wouldn't let my guard down like the first time I met her. I can't believe I even promised myself that I'd marry her one day.


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