Chapter 23

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After a trip to the library, I decided to head over to the market to buy some groceries. Tonight, I was planning to cook a meal for myself. Since I had more than enough food, I thought of sharing some with Freen, because there was no way I could finish it all alone.

I knocked on the door, but the silence from inside was expected due to the soundproof rooms. Knocking again, I waited a few seconds until Koala opened the door. He seemed pretty angry, quickly grabbing his shirt from the floor and storming out without even acknowledging me.

Entering the room, I spotted Freen in the corner, looking incredibly frustrated and wearing only a robe.

What on earth was going on here? Did something happen between them?

"What's going on? Why is he here?" I asked Freen, concern in my voice.

As soon as Freen saw me, she met my gaze and burst into tears like a child. She hugged herself tightly, sobbing loudly.

Setting down the dish I brought, I went over to her. They seemed totally fine a little while ago. What had gone so wrong?

I was ready to chase after him, thinking he might have done something to Freen, when she gripped my hand tightly and shook her head, stopping me.

"Why are you putting yourself at risk, Chankimha?" I couldn't help my frustration. "Do you realize how dangerous it is? You allowed a guy into your room, and it's just us two in this building! What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry..." she managed to say, tugging at my shirt as she cried on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh and rubbed her back. She was being really naive. How could she not see this coming? I thought she was smarter than that.

"Tell me, what exactly happened?" I asked once she had calmed down a bit.

Guiding her to sit on the bed, I helped her change into regular clothes. Currently, I was brushing her hair.

"He asked if he could come to my room and give me a business lesson. So I agreed," Freen explained.

"If that's the case, why was he shirtless and you were only in your underwear?" I questioned skeptically.

"We tried... you know? But I just couldn't feel anything for him. I told him I wasn't into it, but he wouldn't listen. He forced me. Luckily, you knocked," she said with an awkward chuckle. "And thanks for bringing the dish."

I let out another sigh and stopped brushing her hair. Taking a seat beside her, I encouraged her to rest her head on my shoulder.

"Why do I get the feeling you're rushing to get a boyfriend?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Freen chuckled. "You caught on, huh?"

"So it's true then?" I probed further.

"You know my family, right? All they care about is business, and that includes finding an heir. I'm their only hope, so they're determined to marry me off to someone of their choice," Freen sighed. "Parents are like that, you know Becky?"

Not mine. I couldn't help but think. My parents supported me in whatever I wanted to do. They never forced me into something I didn't want. As long as I was happy, they were happy too.

"So you're saying if you found a boyfriend, they'd back off?" I inquired.

"Yeah. My dad said if I found a boyfriend studying business, I could marry him as long as he understood the business world," Freen faked a smile. "I've tried looking for someone who makes my heart race, but no luck."

"Love isn't something you search for, Freen. It happens naturally," I advised. "Why not just ask your parents for more time?"

"As if they'd ever agree. Especially my mom," she replied, shaking her head.

"By the way, did you know your mom approached me?" I mentioned.

Freen stared at me in disbelief. "For what?"

"She offered me a million dollars to stay away from you," I revealed. "Funny how she thinks I'm so money-hungry."

"You didn't take it, right?" she asked, her voice wavering. "You love money, but you're not that shallow, are you?"

I chuckled at her expression. "I'm not that foolish, Freen." I teased. "If I were after money, I wouldn't settle for a one-time payout. If I accepted, I'd miss out on leeching more money from you." I added playfully.

Freen glared at me and playfully smacked my shoulder. "You goof." She rolled her eyes.

"Does your mom usually pay off your friends to keep away from you?" I asked again.

Freen slowly nodded. "I thought they wouldn't accept, considering they're already rich. Funny how money-hungry people can be."

"Money has a way of influencing people, Freen. Even me, but I'm not everyone's price tag," I assured her.

"But I can buy you?" she smirked.

"You're the exception," I grinned back, making her chuckle.

"Seriously, you're getting cheesier by the day, Rebecca." Freen laughed and sighed. "But thanks for staying and coming here. I feel better now."

"Don't thank me. I just passed up a million dollars for you. You owe me," I joked, extending my hand.

Freen rolled her eyes and placed her hands on mine, intertwining our fingers. My heart skipped a beat, and I tried to pull away, but she held on tight.

"Don't let go. This is my repayment," Freen teased, laughing at my expense. "My hands are all yours."

I rolled my eyes playfully in response. Freen motioned for us to stand so we could eat. She must be starving, I guessed.

a/n: I think I'm spoiling you guys too much HAHA. Goodnight. Have a sweet dream. Love you all na ka! ❤️✨

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