Chapter 54

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It felt like a freezing wave splashed over me as soon as I heard what Seng had said.

Earlier, I asked Nat and Friend to place an ear spy in Freen's room and planned everything ahead of time.

I knew Seng had left because he was plotting something. He wouldn't release his hold on Freen. He was willing to do anything for her. That guy thought he was some kind of genius.

"Becky..." Friend glanced at me with concern as my eyes filled with tears, but I kept on listening.

Did Freen know about it? Why didn't she deny it? She was so young back then and probably didn't understand everything. If she was involved, she might never come near me again and wouldn't help me recover my memory. She would keep it buried if she was part of it.

A loud groan from Freen snapped me out of my deep thoughts. What on earth was happening now?

The police entered the room, and I followed suit. Friend tried to stop me, but I pushed past and entered her room.

There was Freen on the floor, unconscious. I wanted to rush to her, but I couldn't, because Seng had a knife pressed against her neck.

"One more step, and I'll end her." Seng threatened. His eyes were bloodshot, not from crying, but probably due to something he had taken. Maybe drugs.

The police officers had their guns aimed at him, but they couldn't make a move. One wrong step and Freen would be gone for sure. I saw tiny drops of blood trickling from her neck. The knife was terrifyingly sharp.

"What do you want?" I managed to ask.

Seng sneered when he saw me and glared. "You again? Why do you keep meddling in my affairs, Rebecca?" he spat. "You're the reason I'm in this mess!" He shouted.

I used to be fearless, but seeing that knife against Freen's throat, my legs started to shake.

"Freen and I were happy before you showed up. We were fine, until you suddenly appeared. In an instant, all my efforts to win Freen were wasted. It was like everything I did meant nothing!" Seng yelled, moving the knife even closer to Freen's neck, causing the blood to drip slowly.

I couldn't bear this. I didn't know what to say. I had to find a way to get him away from Freen to save her.

"Let's make a deal," I said. "You release her, and I'll back off too."

Seng let out an evil laugh. "You think I'll fall for that? I'm not dumb, Armstrong! I know your tactics. It's like chess. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the queen to protect the king. And I'm the king."

I noticed Friend near the window, my eyes widening. But I made sure Seng didn't catch on. I turned back to Seng, clenching my fists.

"You might think you're the king, but you've got the wrong queen. She's mine, Seng. She's my queen," I declared.

Friend shattered the window, diverting his attention briefly, and the police took the chance to tackle him and subdue him.

I rushed to Freen and saw her wound and the blood. I told Nat to call an ambulance, and within moments, they arrived.

I held onto Freen's hand inside the ambulance. She was still out cold, and the nurse tried to stop the bleeding.

Tears streamed down my face. My heart raced, and I couldn't think straight. All I wanted was for Freen to be safe. If I had to watch over her day and night, I'd do it willingly.

"I'm sorry, baby. I should've been here sooner," I whispered, kissing her hand.

As we reached the hospital, the nurse took charge of Freen, not letting me into the emergency room. I felt lost.

In a little while, Nat and Friend arrived too. Friend embraced me, and I sobbed in her arms. I couldn't hold back the tears.

"What happened to Seng?" I inquired, trying to sound strong.

"Something terrible happened. But let's discuss him later. Right now, I need you to be strong," Friend comforted me, rubbing my back as I cried on her shoulder.

A doctor emerged from the room, his eyes filled with sorrow as he looked at us.

"What's the update, doc?" Friend asked.

"I'm truly sorry, miss. The patient lost a significant amount of blood. We did our best, but I'm afraid..."

My legs gave way, and I collapsed onto the floor.

His next words made me deaf. It can't be.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now