Special Chapter 2

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"Surprise!" Freen removed her hands covering my eyes and revealed the brand-new house.

I grinned and faced her. "So this is what you've been keeping secret all these years?" I inquired.

Freen nodded, gripping my hand, eager for us to step inside. She guided me through the kitchen, my office, her mini studio, and the rooms designated for both of us and the kids.

Yeah, Freen and I made the decision to tie the knot and go through the IVF process. She had expressed her desire to build a family together, and the wait had become unbearable for her.

"Hey, your brother and his wife will be dropping by later. Don't you want to personally welcome them?" she suggested.

"Why are they coming? Is there a special occasion?" I questioned, furrowing my brow.

Freen shot me an annoyed look. "Seriously? You forgot? Ugh, I can't believe you!"

I chuckled. "Just kidding. Happy anniversary!" I gave her a gentle peck on the forehead, and her sulking ended.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed down the stairs. I turned to Freen and playfully nudged her as I realized the kids were nowhere in sight.

I glanced at the staircase and spotted Freen's dad descending, holding our eldest. Right behind him was Freen's mom, carrying the youngest.

"You're finally here, Becca. Have you had your lunch already?" Mrs. Chankimha inquired, and I shook my head.

She handed me our little princess, and I couldn't help but admire her. It was funny how she resembled me, even though Freen was the one who gave birth to her. I wasn't sure if Freen was secretly envious because she had mentioned wanting a girl who looked like her.

"Look, little Freya takes after me." I showed Freen, and she made a face.

Riley hopped down from his grandpa's arms and dashed over to Freen, embracing her. "See, little Riley is totally my mini-me." Freen boasted, sticking her tongue out at me.

Freen's parents joined in our laughter, urging us to sit down for lunch. Riley giggled, catching bits of our conversation, even if he didn't grasp all of it. Meanwhile, Freya remained quiet, being the baby she was.

"Riley seems to have inherited Freen's traits, while Freya is more like Becky. Their names should've been swapped," Freen's dad quipped, prompting both of us to chuckle.

Riley was undeniably cheerful, whereas Freya preferred the quiet. She'd often cry when surrounded by a crowd, and she seemed to behave best when she was surrounded by the scent of old books.

"What did I miss?" Richie chimed in, and we all turned towards him. He was accompanied by his kids and Irin, who was expecting their third child.

"Richie, you're late again," I scolded, giving him a mock glare.

"At least I'm not five years late," Richie retorted, laughing, and then he directed his attention to Freen, who rolled her eyes.

We caught up on how life had treated us, sharing laughter along the way. I never anticipated that this day would finally arrive.

No threats, no dramas, no overwhelming challenges. Just authentic happiness and a feeling of fulfillment.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now