Chapter 50

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I was turning to walk away when I heard Friend's voice calling out to me.

"Hey, you're here! Want to grab a snack?" she offered.

I glanced at Becky, and she met my gaze with her usual poker face. It seemed like I might have interrupted something.

"I'm actually heading out. Sorry for barging in," I chuckled.

Friend smiled warmly and came over, pulling me to a seat next to Becky. "After waiting nearly five years for you, you're not gonna leave that quickly, are you?" She shook her head playfully and chuckled. "I'll give you two some space," she said, getting up.

Beneath Friend's smile, I could sense some hidden pain. I remember putting on that same kind of smile when I saw them together.

Friend had feelings for Becky, yet here she was leaving. Wasn't she supposed to win Becky's heart away from me?

I turned to Becky, who sighed and looked out the window.

"Typical you, always running late," Becky muttered, not meeting my eyes.

"I just read the letter," I explained. "I'm so sorry."

Her gaze softened. "I still love you," she admitted.

"Even after how I hurt you?"

"Even if you hurt me again," she replied.

"I've been waiting here every single day. It's been more than 1,800 days," she said, her voice choked with emotion. I stared at her, seeing tears welling up in her eyes. "I've been fooling myself, hoping that maybe you hadn't read the letter yet. And I guess I was right."

"You waited for me?" I asked, disbelief in my voice. "I thought you went back to England."

"I spent a summer there, but I came back early, scared that you might not spot me in the library. I even asked Friend to take care of this place, just in case you were ready and looking for me." Becky managed a chuckle as she wiped away her tears. "Then, as time went on, I started thinking maybe you'd never be ready. So I went back to England again, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get you off my mind. I returned here, hoping against hope to find you."

I listened, stunned, unable to find words to respond to her revelations.

"I waited for you, and then out of nowhere, I found out you're engaged. Can you imagine how much that hurt? How much it terrified me? All that waiting, seemingly for nothing. All because I held onto what I saw in your eyes." Becky's tears flowed freely once again, and she looked upwards, trying to hold them back. She bit her lip, struggling to compose herself. "I told myself maybe you'd never be ready for us. Or maybe you'd never fight for me."

"I do want to be with you. I want that too," I finally managed to say.

Becky gave me a puzzled look, her brows furrowing. "But you're engaged, right? Is that why you're here?"

I shook my head, smiling. I cupped her face gently, wiping away the tears from her eyes. "I'm here because you told me to come if I was ready to fight for us," I told her. "I'm here because I don't want to be a coward anymore. I can't bear to lose you, Becky. I love you," I confessed.

Becky cried and pulled me into a tight hug, her tears soaking my shoulder.

"But I won't settle for being a secret anymore," Becky said, looking at me. "Why did you accept the proposal if you love me?"

"You know how my family can be, right? You remember how they used to control everything. I agreed to their plan because they threatened to take away your scholarship. You've mentioned how important it is to you," I explained.

Becky paused, absorbing my words, then nodded. She chuckled softly as realization dawned. "You should have talked to me."

"I didn't want to burden you. I know how much becoming a lawyer means to you," I said.

"Once everything's sorted out, I'll introduce you to my parents. They'll like you, I'm sure," Becky said, her tone hopeful.

"And what about Friend?" I asked.

"What about her? She's my friend," Becky replied.

"Just friends?" I inquired.

"Yep, really close friends," she said, playfully kissing my forehead. "No need to be jealous. I love you, and that's what matters."

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