Chapter 26

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I went to Chankimha Mall to help Nat pick out some gifts for his friend. We stepped into the jewelry store, and I selected an earring since Nat wasn't sure what his friend liked.

"Is this a good choice?" Nat asked, and I nodded in agreement. He paid for the earring, and I stepped outside to wait for Freen. She said she was nearby, but I couldn't spot her in the crowd.

Suddenly, someone covered my eyes from behind, and I immediately recognized it was Freen by her familiar scent. Freen's fragrance always lingered, making her presence known everywhere. It was tempting to just keep breathing in that pleasant scent, but that would definitely be awkward.

"You're running late, it's nearly seven in the evening," I teased her.

Freen playfully hugged me from behind and giggled into my ear. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked. When I turned, she was already looking at me, a sweet smile on her face, chin resting on my shoulder.

"Where to next?" Nat interrupted, surprising both Freen and me. "Oh, hey, Freen! You're here." Nat chuckled, glancing between the two of us. Freen's grip on me tightened, and Nat couldn't help but notice how close we were.

"I'm here because this is our mall. What brings you two here?" Freen asked.

I nudged her playfully, signaling her to let go, and she rolled her eyes but released me, though her hand still remained on my waist.

"I asked Becky to help me find a gift for my friend," Nat explained, showing Freen the paper bag with the gift inside.

"Great, then you're all set. Becky's with me from here on," Freen declared, looking at me with a smile.

"But I'm the one who brought her here," Nat protested.

Freen sighed, turning to me. "Do you want to head back to the university, or are you up for catching a movie with me?" She seemed to be implying that if I went back with Nat, she might make things interesting on our return.

"Nat, you go ahead. I'll catch a movie with Freen. I'll make it back safe and sound," I reassured him, offering a smile. He nodded in agreement.

Freen grinned at him, playfully sticking her tongue out. Once Nat was out of sight, she intertwined our hands, and my heart started racing again. Maybe I should consult a doctor about this, as it happens quite often.

"So, what genre are you in the mood for? Romance, horror, or something else?" Freen inquired while scanning the LED screen for movie options.

"You," I replied.

"Wait, you want to watch me?" Freen chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "No, silly. I meant I'll watch whatever movie you'd like."

"You might want to rephrase that next time, or I'll start thinking you're into me," Freen teased, grabbing my hand as we entered the cinema.

We found ourselves in the VIP cinema, complete with beds. It was just us two there.

"Did you book the whole cinema?" I quizzed her.

Freen shook her head. "No, Becca. This is actually my private cinema. I had it built for times like this, when I want to watch a movie with the people I care about."

Do I fall into that "people she cares about" category? Certainly, but not in a romantic sense. I'm her friend, the one she can't buy, and that's why she cherishes me. I need to stop letting her words mess with my head. Not everything she says is a personal message to me.

"How many folks have you brought here before?" I inquired, settling into my seat.

"Just you. I prefer it this way, sharing this space only with you. You mean a lot to me, Becca." She smiled genuinely.

The movie began, and we both watched "The Half of It." The film revolved around a bisexual character who ghostwrites essays. She assists a guy in crafting a letter to his crush, only to find herself falling for the girl during the exchange.

"I thought you were not a fan of LGBTQ+ themes?" I questioned Freen, noticing she had dozed off. She seemed quite tired, so I didn't press the matter further.

I watched the movie to its conclusion. The most striking line for me was from the main character: "Love is messy and horrible and selfish and bold. It's not about finding your perfect match. It's about trying, reaching, and failing, all for the chance at something great."

Those words resonated with me and reminded me of Freen. She's searching for that someone who can truly complement her, ignite that special spark. Yet, how can she find that person if I'm too scared to admit my feelings?

Gazing at her innocent sleeping face, I wondered what she dreamt about. Could it be me? But that would be too far-fetched.

Freen woke up and apologized for nodding off, but I reassured her it was alright.

"I've seen this movie before, but I wanted you to watch it. It's pretty good, don't you think?" she inquired, a playful grin on her face.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Favorite line?" she prompted, tidying her hair.

"Ellie's line, 'What's surprising is that people don't see what they're not looking for,'" I answered.

I'm right here, Freen. Why aren't you looking at me?

"The obvious unseen," Freen chimed in, chuckling.

I forced a smile and nodded.

Later, Freen dropped me off at the university's main gate, waving goodbye. She mentioned her uncertain return date due to her parents' vacation plans.

I surrendered. My feelings for her may be wrong, but I can't help it. I'm afraid that if she realizes I don't see her solely as a friend anymore, things will change between us.

Swallowing my emotions, I sighed. Maybe I should maintain this status quo for a while. I'll just cherish my love for her silently.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now