Chapter 35

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Freen and I met up at the cafeteria after the events were over, and the students' schedule returned to normal.

Freen kept intertwining her fingers with mine, but I gently let go. There were a lot of students looking our way, and I didn't want to give them any more reason to talk about Freen.

I heard from Irin that Freen was facing criticism for always being with me, but some people defended her, saying we were just friends. Well, that was true once, but things had changed.

"Why did you pull away from me earlier?" Freen asked when we reached her dorm room. She crossed her arms and gave me a questioning look.

How could I explain that people were gossiping about her?

"I'm just thinking about your reputation," I sighed, searching for the right words.

"I'm comfortable with who I am, and that's what matters," Freen said, reaching for my hands and kissing the back of one. "I don't care about what others say."

"Let's talk inside," I suggested, gesturing for her to go in.

Freen raised an eyebrow. "Get the keys from my pocket."

I bent down to get the keys, and Freen playfully kissed my head as I did so.

"Freen!" I scolded her, but she only grinned. I unlocked the door and held it open. "After you."

"Why do you seem so exasperated with me?" Freen pouted and flopped onto her bed, burying her face in the pillow.

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again, her acting like a kid because of what happened earlier.

She used to have negative views about LGBTQ+ people, but now she was holding my hand in public? Resting her chin on my shoulder, and she even tried to feed me a while ago.

"Enough with the sulking," I told her, taking a seat in the chair and watching her pout on her bed. "You're not exactly cute," I teased.

Freen shot me a glare and then went back to burying her face, letting out a muffled complaint. "Becky doesn't like me anymore!"

"I never said that!" I retorted.

"Then what did you say?" she asked.

"I said you're not cute when you're sulking," I clarified.

"That's practically the same thing!" She pouted and resumed her sulking position.

I let out a sigh and shook my head. Who did I start dating? Was it a woman or a toddler? I hadn't signed up to be a babysitter.

"Fine," I conceded. "Come here." I beckoned her and walked over to cuddle her, just as her phone started ringing.

"Hang on a sec, babe," she answered the phone without changing her position—lying on her back.

A mischievous thought crossed my mind, and I positioned myself on top of her. My head rested on her back, and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"What are you up to?" Freen asked, chuckling when she saw how I was lying.

"Who's calling?" I inquired.

"Seng," she replied casually, causing my eyebrows to shoot up. Did she know I felt uneasy about that guy? Why was he constantly calling her?

"Go ahead, answer it," I told her.

Freen gave a slow nod and accepted the video call, making sure the camera angle hid me from view.

"I'm in my room, what's up?" Freen asked.

As I listened in on their conversation, I decided to slip my hands under Freen's shirt.

"Huh?" Freen's voice quivered as she lightly tapped my hands, silently asking me to stop.

"Who's there with you?" Seng questioned.

That was my cue to make my presence known. I crawled up while still on top of Freen and positioned myself so Seng could see us in this amusing arrangement.

"Why do you want to know?" I responded in a cool tone. "Need something from her?" I asked, planting a kiss on Freen's cheek, eliciting a giggle from her.

"Freen, can we talk later?" Seng asked, seeming slightly uncomfortable.

"Sorry, but we've got a pretty packed evening ahead," I winked at him and ended the call.

Freen burst into laughter, rolling over to make me get off her.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Damn, did you see his expression?" Freen laughed. "He looked so grossed out." She kept laughing, holding her stomach.

I looked at her, struck by how beautiful she looked while laughing. She was muttering something, but I couldn't focus; I was mesmerized by her.

Was this really my girlfriend? Instead of worrying about her image, she seemed to care more about how cute she was in my eyes. She truly didn't care about others' opinions.

"You're adorable," I said, causing her to pause.

"Yeah, I know," she replied, rolling her eyes and playfully sulking.

I chuckled at her. I guess when Seng called, she momentarily forgot she was upset with me. And now, she was back to being a big baby again.

a/n: If you can't imagine their position a while ago. Here it is but the other way around (Becky on top).

 Here it is but the other way around (Becky on top)

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