Chapter 44

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Nam brought me back to the studio before she headed off to her company. With so much on my plate right now, I decided to brush aside what I had seen.

Becky and Friend—Nat's buddy from high school. I know her from back when Nat and I used to date. She's distant but kind, just like Becky. They really click together, making me wonder if they're actually dating.

"Freen?" Seng's voice boomed from outside, causing me to roll my eyes.

What does he want now? He's seriously getting on my nerves.

"What?" I opened the door and he immediately hugged me as if he genuinely cared.

Seng is a two-faced jerk. He pretends to care, but all he really cares about is money. He's definitely not boyfriend material. He only shows up whenever the trouble's over and never really protects me properly. If I had to marry him in the future, I'd rather be single forever.

"Could you not touch me, please?" I asked, pushing him away. I turned away and headed into my room, but he followed.

"I've told you to be with me already! Can't you just listen to me for once?" He yelled at me.

"Because you mean nothing to me! You're not a part of my life! You're nobody!" I yelled back.

Seng looked taken aback by what I said. He grabbed my hand and stared at me intensely.

"I am your fiancé, Sarocha," he told me with an authoritative voice, refusing to let go of my hand. "You belong to me, got it?" He yelled again.

I pushed Seng away and struggled to free my hand from his tight grip. It hurt.

"Let go!" I shouted and slapped him.

Seng glared at me, about to hit me, when a knock came at the door.

"Damn you!" He yelled, storming out of my room to see who it was.

It was Nat, and they exchanged a fierce look.

"Why are you in my fiancée's studio?" he asked, clearly angry.

"I'm a client, chill. I'm here to discuss a commission with her," Nat said, patting Seng's shoulder. "No one's trying to steal your girl if you actually take care of her."

"Step back, Nattassit," Seng snapped.

"I'm not your competition here," Nat smirked. "Look after your girl, or you might lose her."

Seng hissed and left the room. I sighed in relief as he disappeared from sight.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Karma, huh?" Nat asked, chuckling. "If you had chosen Becky in the first place, you wouldn't have to deal with that idiot," he said, crossing his arms.

"You don't know the whole story," I rolled my eyes. "What brought you here?" I asked.

"Nothing much. I just noticed something fishy when I was outside. Seng's car was tailing you from my law firm to here. Were you aware of that?" he asked.

I shook my head. "He's busy, so I didn't think he'd care."

"Do you have feelings for him?" Nat questioned.

"I don't really have a choice, Nat. But I'll never actually like him," I sighed.

"Alright then, I'll head out now. Just wanted to make sure you're okay," Nat smiled, ruffling my hair.

Once Nat left, I sighed again and entered my painting room. I started painting whatever I felt like while reflecting on today's events.

My eyes widened as I looked at my canvas—it had turned into an abstract depiction of Becky. I had painted her without even realizing it.

"Ugh, she's already taken. I need to stop these fantasies," I muttered, tossing my paintbrush into the bin. I headed to my room to get some rest.

I have to stop messing up her life. I've done it in the past, and I definitely don't want history repeating itself.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now