Chapter 31

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"Hey, wait, what?" Freen burst into laughter over the phone as I shared that I was battling a cold and cough. "You were all 'umbrella' last night, but now you can't even handle a few raindrops?"

"Freen, cut it out," I managed to say between coughs.

I'm cozied up in my blanket fortress now, braving the chill. I'm pretty sure I've got a fever, too.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm on my way," Freen assured me.

"But you have class, right?" I questioned.

"Eh, I'll survive skipping a class or two. But you might not survive without some care," she playfully retorted.

"You're seriously overdoing it," I sighed, though she couldn't see my eye-roll. "I'll just leave the door unlocked."

"Gotcha. I'll grab some meds," Freen wrapped up the call and I sighed again.

I hadn't realized I was such a wimp against a cold and cough. Can't even recall the last time I was down like this. Must be because I'm not used to getting drenched for hours.

"Becca! It's Freen," her voice called from the doorway. She strolled in, and I must've looked like a human sushi roll under my blanket. She chuckled at the sight before checking my temperature. "Yep, fever. Got you some porridge," she declared, placing a bowl and spoon on the bedside table.

"I can feed myself, you know," I grumbled, attempting to sit up.

"Nah, I've got this." Freen insisted, motioning for me to just let her do her thing.

Head spinning and limbs feeling like jelly, I surrendered. Freen took charge, spoon-feeding me. She also got me to gulp down some medicine and even freshened me up with a damp towel.

"You're really okay staying here? Don't want you missing out on your class," I worriedly questioned.

Freen massaged my head, chuckling softly. "Relax, I've got this. Skipping one class won't be the end of the world. I'm here to make sure you get better."

"Prof. Kim mentioned an event tomorrow, said they need you," I reminded her.

"He needs both of us, actually. We're hosting the book fair program before it kicks off. But don't sweat it, others are helping out too," Freen reassured, leaning in to peck my forehead.

"Quit kissing me, you'll catch this too," I chided, giving her a playful nudge.

"In sickness and in health, huh? I'd even risk catching a cold if I were your boyfriend," Freen teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Smooth talker, much?" I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

"Now, rest up," she insisted, settling down next to me. "I'll serenade you to sleep."

I closed my eyes as Freen snuggled closer.

"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner," she started, prompting a giggle from me. "Why?" she laughed.

"Nothing, go on," I encouraged, barely holding back my laughter.

"Breathing in your dust," Freen continued.
"I wanna be your Ford Cortina, I will never rust," she crooned.

"If you like your coffee hot, let me be your coffee pot," Freen planted a kiss on my cheek, sending me into fits of laughter over the quirky lyrics. Is that even a real song?

"You call the shots, babe," she playfully pinched my nose while singing. "I just wanna be yours..."

I fell silent for a moment.

"Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought," Freen's voice turned softer, more introspective.

"Maybe I just wanna be yours. I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours," Freen whispered, patting my head and giving me a warm embrace.

"I wanna be yours too," I murmured to Freen.

"Hmm," she responded, sighing contentedly.

Guess she didn't quite catch on.

a/n: Dedicated to my fave flower HAHAHA tulips_007 ❤️

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